How Views on Death Affect Everyday Life
How does your perspective on the afterlife affect how you live your day to day?
Rituals, ancient wisdom, and practices for conscious death and dying.
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How does your perspective on the afterlife affect how you live your day to day?
Crystals can help us find the wisdom to navigate challenging situations and life circumstances. Try these two Goddess-inspired crystal rituals.
The Ten of Swords can be a scary card to pull in a reading. But there’s more to this card than meets the eye. What is the spiritual meaning of the Ten of Swords tarot card?
While the common retelling of Persephone’s story may seem heartbreaking, a deeper, more powerful truth lies within.
The story of this ancient Mesopotamian goddess can teach us important wisdom about the inevitability of death and the changing of the seasons.
One author experienced a light transmission ritual and shares how its power can help us navigate and heal relationships.
After a compelling conversation with author Perdita Finn, Rabbi Rami considers what he wants done with his body after death.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth casts a shadow on the moon. In the same way, this ritual helps you visualize and learn from your own shadow.
A grief coach and death midwife offers six ways for us to support ourselves while we are grieving.
The coming of fall doesn’t have to be a hard transition. Honor the magic of the end of summer with an altar, rituals, crystals, and affirmations.
A cord-cutting ritual may be exactly what you need to revitalize your relationships and attachments. Learn more about the benefits of this practice.
Celebrate Lughnasadh, a pagan summer harvest festival, with an earth-centered ritual. Enjoy the abundance of late summer and honor the ancestors.
Delight your partner in a curated journey of sensual delights to open the body, mind, and heart for whatever may follow.
Celebrate Litha, a summer solstice festival, with a simple fire ritual. Delight in the longest day of the year and enjoy the fruits of the season.
How can life’s most difficult struggles also be blessings? Andrea Sherman explains, and shares her own experience with Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder and how it's affected her spirituality.
How can we each become modern elders and begin to enjoy the opportunity of midlife? Chip Conley explains, and shares why its important to preserve the heart of spirituality and ritual.
In need of empowerment? Try a ritual—call on the Great Devi to help see yourself through the eyes of love.
How do we find spirituality in nature, and what has extinguished our connection to the Earth? Rev. Wendy Van Allen explains how humanity has related to nature in the past, and what we can do to save our future.
Celebrate this springtime holiday with a ritual for inviting in creative energy and blessings.
Release the negative, celebrate the positive, and find resilience even in challenging times with this ritual.
Highly sensitive people feel everything deeply. If you’re an HSP, learn how to cleanse and protect your personal energy to avoid overwhelm.
Feeling overwhelmed by anger and challenged by vexing people and situations? Call upon the Hawaiian goddess Pele to help you honor your emotions.
The loss of a pet can be profoundly impactful, leaving us to make hard choices about their body. Explore our animal chaplain’s advice for what happens after our animal companions pass.
Ostara is the springtime pagan holiday celebrating equal day and night and the return of the sun. Celebrate with this uplifting springtime ritual.
For those of us grieving changed relationships with living loved ones, a faux funeral may be the key to healing. Explore what ambiguous grief is and how this ritual can help.
In times of global unrest and personal distress, call to the beloved Buddhist goddess Green Tara to help you find peace and ease.
Honor the pagan festival of Imbolc with a simple ritual designed to release the heaviness of winter and invite in the healing fire of springtime.
Our resident animal chaplain explores the complexities of mortality as it regards our animal companions—and ourselves.
Though the Death tarot card may not indicate literal death, it does forebode change. Explore the spiritual meaning of this misunderstood tarot card.
Let this ritual for the Great Mother, and your ancestral mothers, guide you into your wisdom years.
Frigga is one of the most beloved goddesses in the Norse tradition. Learn how working with Frigga can bring healing and empowerment—especially for matriarchs and mothers.
What lessons can be learned from a dying rescue duck? An animal caretaker offers her wisdom.
Experiencing anxiety? Find serenity and alleviate stress by performing a ritual to Lakshmi.
By contemplating the heartwood at the center of trees, we can gain a greater respect for the impermanence of life.
Use druid practices to honor fall in your own way.
Delight in the goodness of autumn and let go of what no longer serves you with a full moon ritual.
Call upon Venus, the Roman goddess of love, to help you discover and delight in your inner sensual goddess.
Why do so many ordinary people regularly participate in painful religious rites? Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas explores the answer.
Day Schildkret offers a Shake and Harvest Ritual. His newest book is Hello, Goodbye: 75 Rituals for Times of Loss, Celebration and Change.
Anyone can utilize the power of ash rituals to mark a transition in their lives.
Having a wake at home for a lost loved one can help make the transition process more sacred.
Learn a few favorite strange-but-sage beliefs, traditions, and rituals from abuelas.
Find out how to turn your morning cup of coffee into a sacred ritual with ceremonialist Mara Branscombe and Rabbi Rami.
While rituals may define us, we have a hard time defining them. Dig into the science of ritual.
“Every time I have gathered in community ritual or personal ceremony, I have experienced a healing.”
Rabbi Rami dives into deep spiritual waters on the nature of love, evil, truth, and more.
Steep a variety of flowering plants and herbs for a literal and spiritual bath. Repeat the baño limpias to bring love into your life.
Turn what’s holding you back to ash. Drink in the blossoming energy of the full Flower Moon.
Discover how to infuse water with the moon’s energy during a super blood moon eclipse.
Yoga, meditation, mysticism, and ritual are at the heart of Mara Branscombe’s Ritual as Remedy.
Boost your immune system, your spiritual energy, or both with a citrus bath. Discover the benefits of specific citrus fruits.
Honor your relationship throughout the Gaelic May Day festival with a Beltane ritual for couples.
Accept gifts from your lost loved ones, even if doing so is difficult. A grief educator explains why.
Discover how to perform Mexican rituals known as limpias to reverse bad luck.
Release winter energy and ignite spring fire with a ritual for the full Pink Moon.
Dreams respond well to engagement. Asking dreams for guidance is an ancient, widespread tradition, and easily accessible.
Are you ready to get down and dirty to tap into the energy of the
full Worm Moon?
Acknowledge your grief and start to move past it with five lamentation practices.
Explore the magical potential of the Snow Moon. Its safety and shelter can assist in letting go.
Snow’s dual energies of quietude and preparation make it excellent for rebalancing our energies.
Ignite spiritual fire and attract joy with this revamped spin on an age-old practice.
Soto Zen Buddhist Priest Zenju Earthlyn Manuel wades through the muck of racism, sexism, and homophobia to empower practitioners.
When a new moon coincides with the celebration of Imbolc, perform this ritual for new beginnings.
Practicing death awareness need not be morbid. It can help you live your values more fully and cherish your life.
Try this guided writing ritual to set intentions and meet your future self.
This ritual to invite winter solstice magic is best done sitting in a circle (real or virtual) with others.
Where can the divide be drawn between premonition and coincidence?
“I understood then that this was the point of the dream. That I was being shown this world as a guest, that my job was to witness, to validate its existence. Perhaps even report that I had seen it.”
Let go of nostalgia and start living for today through ritual. "It is essential to our sense of belonging ... that we mark the moments of transition in our lives."
Expressing and releasing a specific resentment makes space for love in this letting go ritual for couples.
Discover 3 ways to actively seek wonder in the natural world around you.
The full moon illuminates a time of heightened emotions and potent creativity.
“I don’t want to romanticize dying, but I do want to liberate it from the fears we foist upon it.”
Becca Piastrelli’s Root & Ritual explores ways for you to connect with your ancestors, the land, your community, and your Self through rituals, recipes, and ancestral wisdom.
“Holding death close serves as a continuous, gentle reminder that every moment I am alive is a special but limited opportunity.”
The new moon brings about an opportunity for abundance and expansion. New moon meditation practice allows you to tap into this lunar phase of infinite possibility.
The waning and waxing crescent moon offers two distinct paths to deepen your moon practice.
Thanatology focuses on life extension, but what role would religion play in our lives if we no longer feared death?
Maiden, Mother, or Crone, there’s a goddess circle for you.
A new moon can be a time to plot change, plant seeds, and bathe in darkness.
Burial shrouds offer a better way to tend to the dead, according to one shroud-maker.
Complicated grief is more than the intense, acute grief almost everyone experiences after someone dear to them dies. It is prolonged and all-consuming.
The beginning of summer is a time to rejoice in nature’s abundance. This ritual uses delicious strawberries to connect with love, good fortune, prosperity, sensuality, and fertility.
The summer solstice occurring near Father’s Day is a powerful opportunity for exploring the balance of masculine and feminine within yourself.
The combination of the lunar phase and the spiritual potency of salt amplify the power of this New Moon ritual.
Media task-switching is linked to increased anxiety, depression, and mental exhaustion. Try this simple, 30-second ritual to establish positive associations with tech breaks.
A demon is a metaphor for anything that is taking your energy, be it fear, obsession, addiction, or something else.
The May full moon marks a turning point, a movement into the bright, sunshiny half of the year.
Every full moon is a chance to metaphorically and physically drop anything that no longer serves you. It is a night to release negativity and practice gratitude.
Some have a simple and loving relationship with their mom. For others, Mother’s Day can be a day where we pull out our complex feelings about mothering and unpack them a little bit.
Psychotherapist Kevin Anderson offers advice to S&H readers. “As professionally prepared as you were for your father’s dying process, there are no credentials or letters after our names that can fully prepare us for losing a loved one.”
With this ritual, become an observer to your emotions surrounding loss, and release them into the universe.
What will you see on the precipice of death? Dr. Bruce Greyson explores what near-death experiences reveal about the afterlife in his book “After.”
How much should we think about death? What’s too little or too much? “I try to stop figuring out if I believe in life after death and get back to believing in life before death.”
Does your New Year’s Resolution feel like a distant memory? The moon provides a monthly fresh start.
What does the future hold? Consult with the ancestors about what's to come through a form of divination called bone casting. What will you learn by throwing the bones?
After death, what remains? Rabbi Steve Leder discusses his book The Beauty of What Remains: How Our Greatest Fear Becomes Our Greatest Gift.
The symbolic meanings of animals often vary from culture to culture. Different animals and their symbolism can serve as a great comfort and reminder that you are not alone, even in grief.
Celebrate the coming of longer days with a winter solstice ritual.
Anticipating our mortality via the lost Medieval practice of ars moriendi.
“Many therapists work to help clients create a better life—a Soul Companion works with clients to create a better death.”
More than just candy and costumes: Halloween is a holiday that can, with a little thought, become deeply spiritual.
A writer of historical fiction shares how she uncovered 2,000-year-old rituals that are still relevant today.
“I realized that avoiding death, so common in American culture, would not stop it. Instead, taking the time to thoughtfully and actively participate in her transition helped me join her in that state of grace she taught me so much about.”
Devotionals serve as a grounding presence during unprecedented times. “The practice of a daily devotion connects to the idea of spiritual reflection as a way to gain clarity and peace. Daily time for devotion creates inner peace, slows us down, and allows us to connect with the divine.”
“The fall/winter ... is full of yin energy, a darker, softer, slower energy. Now is the time to head indoors, eat warm cooked food, and get close to our loved ones.”
Does a nonspecific spirituality (aka spiritual but not religious) suffice to address existential qualms at death's door?
If you stay warm and dry it will take 10 minutes.
Memento Mori: Remember your death. It may seem grim, but it's an ancient practice meant to invigorate your life.
Lydia Dugdale, author of The Lost Art of Dying, on the art of dying and why we should instead face our finitude squarely—while we still can.
Try this 15-minute Norse-inspired ritual before bed for blissful sleep.
This sweet morning practice will help you align with your purpose.
The new moon, fully inhabiting the shadow, offers a potent time for exploring gratitude for the rhythms of life.
In these heartbreaking times, being together during life's passages is often impossible. Rabbi Rami shares a prayer to bring comfort to those who are passing.
In his book Death Is But a Dream: Finding Hope and Meaning at Life’s End, hospice doctor Christopher Kerr offers a glimpse into what happens at the end of life. “What the dying fear most is not death but the loss of a life they can recognize as their own. Ultimately, to die well is to humanize dying from an irredeemably grim reality to an experience which may also be rich in meaning and love.”
New moons are traditionally about planting seeds, setting intentions for what you desire.
“New moons are related to water and fertility. Metaphorically, in the dark of the new moon, we pause to consider our desires, set intentions, and think about what we might want to put our energy into as the moon waxes towards full.”
“Could they imagine that the bikini scar left across my pelvis after my uterus was removed, leaving me childless, was the reason I was lying there?”
Connecting in small and simple ways is the lifeblood of relationships. Try these practices to stay close to one you love.
“On Valentine’s Day, I want to focus on true love: the energy of power, desire, courage, intuition, and deep emotion. This spell invites that energy into our hearts while mindfully clearing whatever may stand in the way of that love.”
Rosemary has long signified deep friendship and lasting memories. This ritual for grief, built around rosemary, creates time and space for grieving and allows others to join and share the healing process.
“I found an email address for Philip through his publisher and wrote a long query asking him how a doctor who believes in God but also knows facts about certain diseases can honestly tell a terminal patient to have faith and believe and not give up. How can I pray for my patients when I already know how God is going to answer?”
Rather than thinking of dinnertime as a chore, create nightly dinner rituals to connect more with the loved ones around your table.
Integrative psychiatrist Judith Pentz, MD, shares six ways Ayurveda can rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.
Try this ritual to invite connection with and guidance from your ancestors.
Make your way through the season of life when writing seems impossible.
“Inversions allow us to rebel against the routines that dictate much of our world.” Take a new look at the world around you by flipping everything upside down.
Being near or immersed in water offers the opportunity to set an intention of cleansing on all levels.
A ritual bath for self reflection and integration of our shadow selves.
“Bravery is the suppression or masking of fear but sharing one’s fear makes more sense to me.”
Connect with the wisdom of this holiday, which comes between the fall equinox and the winter solstice.
Fall is the perfect season to release that which no longer serves us. Try this moon ritual to help you let go and move on.
Honor the shadow and the light with this Mabon, or Autumn Equinox, ritual.
The death wellness movement is about facing hard choices openly and mindfully. For author Leslie Krongold, this has been a very personal exploration.
Amethyst, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, and White Moonstone are powerful crystals for a full moon.
A comforting prayer to use when releasing a pet from this life.
Weddings and funerals: Rabbi Rami has an honest conversation about traditions and how we honor them.
How to celebrate the summer solstice and other special occasions this season.
There is a sacredness that is found in the first moments of the morning. While it may feel overwhelming to change your entire morning routine in one day, consider slowly adding components to it that will set the tone for your day.
Julie Peters shares her personal ritual for the new moon.
Instead of our working against nature to fit our own needs and desires, Ayurveda teaches that when we accept what Earth provides, we keep seasonal illnesses at bay.
Start your day with intention and mindfulness with this guided meditation.
On the full moon, create a ritual that has meaning for you.
Contributing editor Rabbi Rami asks whether you're a maximalist or a minimalist when it comes to religion and faith.
Think of March as a second New Year with resolutions for healing and recovery in our lives.
Modern Loss co-founder Rebecca Soffer shares how she transformed personal tragedy to a needed resource for others grieving.
Use the waning moon as an opportunity for release.
People new to mourning are often surprised at how brutal the run-up to the first anniversary of the death can be.
How you can create some new traditions to celebrate the winter solstice.
When the holidays remind us of those that have been lost.
A winter solstice meditation can be a time for grieving, acknowledging what’s been lost, and letting go.
In the Presence of Death: Using ceremony to explore mindfulness in the journey of dying, death, and the years following, in this 9-part series
In my work, I have witnessed many beautiful words of consolation and comfort gone awry.
The final resting place is where, for those who seek it, we come to sit, reflect, and share with someone who has died.
Ideas for commemorative events beyond traditional funerals.
In the Presence of Death: Using ceremony to explore mindfulness in the journey of dying, death, and the years following, in this 9-part series
Humans needs to unite with like-minded and like-hearted people and organizations to actively take part in nurturing our communities and helping them grow.
Honor your grief as we enter into the season of generative death and prepare for the coming season of rebirth.
Different sounds are powerful tools to clear and transform energy.
Using altars to focus intention and connection in a space.
Suggestions for Living Memorials—gatherings for a person who is present and alive before death.
An excerpt from The Book of Ceremony
The full moon offers a potent time to create rituals.
Mirabai Bush shares revelations about dying and living from her close relationship with Ram Dass and shares a special practice preparing for death.
Creating grief rituals is as individual as the one who mourns and can help us continue to feel connected.
Magic is a way of working with energy and vibration to create positive change according to your will.
No matter your spirituality or background, it's possible to turn every day into a living, breathing ritual. Explore how one author transformed her life by doing so.
Remodeling the nicest home in town for hospice
The Five Elements offer information that connects us to nature and our bodies and helps us to understand our energy and emotions.
Start your day off feeling energized and creative.
Try this loving bath-time ritual on your own and receive a dose of self-love you likely need and surely deserve.
Draw sacredness into your life whenever you need it with simple intentional rituals.
An excerpt from Grateful Exit: How to Advocate Effectively, Take Care of Yourself, and Be Present for the Death of a Loved One.
An excerpt from Ending the Search: From Spiritual Ambition to the Heart of Awareness
Samuel Harrington, MD shares how you can improve your end of life.
Each unanswered call could be one more person on the edge who desperately needs his help.
Set the tone for your day by developing a morning routine that engages your imagination.
Tap into the power of the moon with these easy practices for moon spirituality.
A simple and effective end of year ritual is to carve out a little time for yourself to meditate and journal.
The Solstice is a time of celebration in anticipation of Light’s return and the rebirth of the Sun.
Learning to choose loving rituals that work in your family, that are meaningful, relaxed, realistic and reasonable, is as important and as individual as each of us.
Poetry from Nikki Giovanni's new book, A Good Cry: What We Learn from Tears and Laughter
Being prepared for the inevitable will help your loved ones left behind.
Dying is itself a time, a space, and process of surrender and transformation.
Caring is a natural expression of our humanity.
Do all people encounter the end of life in the same way?
Learn more about artist Day Schildkret's daily practice of creating morning altars here.
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Try something new. This Ayurveda morning ritual connects you with the magic of mornings.
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Sponsored Content from The Celebrant Foundation & Institute
Get comfortable, close your eyes. And say to yourself, over and over again, I might die today. I might die today. I might die today.
Here are 108 suggestions for your own personalized 108-day mindfulness practice.
Some brains perform less accurately in the wee hours, a new study shows.
“Whatever bad things have happened to you in your life, whatever hard things you’ve gone through, you have to do three things: You have to accept it. You have to be kind to it. ... And listen to me. You have to let it be kind to you."
Sponsored Content from The Celebrant Foundation & Institute
Align with nature’s rhythm and see your own radical change
An excerpt from Ambition Addiction: Giving Thanks on the Road to Recovery.
Sponsored Content from the Celebrant Foundation & Institute
Excerpted from A Mindful Morning by David Dillard-Wright, PhD.
What if we put two geniuses in Schrödinger’s cat box?
“To say you need the afterlife to have meaning is the bleakest form of insanity.”
To sit in Ceremony is to make a conscious decision to shift into a sacred space
Sponsored Content from The Joseph Communications
Hill blends in first-hand, anonymous near death experience accounts as well as personal stories and empirical evidence.
The Ancient and Modern Practice to Free Your Soul
A longtime altar maker shares his practice
Adapted excerpt from Awake at the Bedside
Kick-start your day with intention and positivity with these empowering morning affirmations.
It is through a daily spiritual practice that is consistent, like the heartbeat, that we change the psyche to know that we are in fact putting the Soul first.
Baby Boomers, never ones for rocking chairs, are increasingly looking at life’s third act as one filled with many possibilities, instead of none.
Caretaking gives this writer an opportunity to enter a new kind of sacred space – not a place of solitude, but a place of wholeness and holiness.
Building an altar with an intention for transformation is powerful. The altar keeps your focus on your intentions.
Excerpted from Let’s Talk About Death: Asking the Questions that Profoundly Change the Way We Live and Die
Death cannot stop true love.
Sponsored Content from Celebrant Foundation & Institute
Move beyond sage. These seven sacred resins, including myrrh and benzoin, clear negative energy in your space.
See how a renowned instructor and dedicated yogi and ayurvedic practitioner, Mas Vidal, kicks off his day.
Learn how a renowned Ayurvedic and yoga practitioner moves through her day.
Creating a daily ritual and sacred space can be the difference between a mediocre day and day filled with intention and positivity. Learn how to start cultivating a practice to start your day off on the right foot.
An artist shares how his practice of creating beautiful morning altars blossomed.
Take an honest walk through modern day feng shui expert, Laura Benko’s daily routine.
An excerpt from The Light Between Us
Learn how a renowned intuitive guide and spiritual teacher receives divine energy to fuel her day.
Is a “good death” just an oxymoron?
Throughout history, humans have sought physical relief, emotional healing, and even spiritual renewal in water.
A dialogue on end-of-life care
A dialogue on end-of-life care
A dialogue on end-of-life care
An Interview with Allan Lokos
If you’re interested in cleansing your body, mind, aura, or just your physical space, try these 10 tips for smudging sage.
How deathbed singers infuse comfort and a sense of the sacred to the dying
Modern living causes us to overlook the obvious. Here’s how not to let that happen.
Whether they are real—and you are Irish—or not
Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler
The best-selling author reflects on facing the loss of his father, in his latest book, The Endless Practice.
“These heart-stopping moments lasted a few months. Although only given a few weeks to live, he endured incredible pain, suffering, and even hung onto the slightest bit of hope, because he wanted to see me walk across that stage to receive my diploma.”
Try one of our favorite morning rituals to set the right tone for your day.
Ask A Practitioner
As she celebrates a new life with her husband, Amy Paturel finds love and acceptance where she least expected it—in the memory of his first wife.
Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander woke from a weeklong coma claiming he’d been to a place that many believe does not exist. Now he says he’s found a way to return.
Whether they involve steaming or soaking, geothermal or heated tap water, bathing traditions worldwide offer community, cleansing, spiritual renewal—and sometimes a legend or two.
Two new memoirs examine the way we die—and reflect on how we can do it better.
In the California desert, a vipassana pioneer prepares for the next stage of her remarkable life.
Pet-loss support groups can help the healing process when we lose our most constant companions.
Approaching the final years of life with a sense of peace.
A nonbeliever seeks comfort in the ritual of the rosary.
An American journalist honors her mother with an altar during Mexico's Day of the Dead celebration.
Stretching, meditation, and gratitude make up this simple daily ritual from writer and teacher Geri Larkin.
Find the right tea to soothe yourself, body and soul.
Yes, I’m one of those crazy dog lovers. My husband and I have a household of older and special-needs dogs, all rescued from neglect and abuse.
A new field of research explores how diverse spiritual practices use the same scents, sounds, and movements to tap into our deepest selves.
It was a Saturday evening, and attending would mean spending two days in a row in church. Nevertheless, many of the congregation gathered in fellowship for a sacred ritual—the annual beer contest.
Use these practices to inspire more ease and play this season
Visualize a peaceful letting go for your loved one.
Let your imagination lead you into an inner realm of emotional discovery and spiritual growth.