5 Tips for Teaching Mindfulness to Kids
Teaching mindfulness to kids has been said to improve their wellbeing, boost performance in the ...
Is the Universe always acting in our favor, for our highest good, even when it seems the opposite? For decades I’ve studied, taught, and written about this principle of divine order; of a loving, all-good Universe happening for us, not to us.
Yet this wisdom has never seemed as pertinent as it has in the last few weeks—during a recent health crisis.
On March 20, I was shopping in Target when I fainted and was taken to the ER. At the hospital, I was diagnosed with severe anemia due to internal bleeding caused by colon cancer, a diagnosis that was completely new to me.
This is the same illness that my first husband, Paul, died from in 1980. Paul suffered terribly for more than a year before crossing over. As his devoted wife and primary caretaker, I had been left with significant PTSD from the trauma I’d witnessed.
The night of my own diagnosis, I called on my divine guides, the God source, and my departed loved ones for what I call a soul conference. They told me that much would be revealed in the coming days and that my only job was to surrender to what was unfolding—to surrender with grace and courage, trusting in the divine order of the all-good Universe.
I spent the first night alone in my hospital room watching my favorite comedy movies. Laughter, for me, has always been a powerful way to shift vibrations, and I needed it at that time to lift me above my fear and shock.
After spending hours laughing, I fell into a peaceful sleep. If I could laugh in the face of the worst possible diagnosis, then all was well in this divinely ordered Universe. I could find a way through this dark night.
In the week between diagnosis and surgery, I focused on conversations with God, spirit guides, departed loved ones, and my extraordinarily wise girlfriends. Was this my soul’s exit point? If it wasn’t, what was the lesson my soul was trying to learn from this?
With the help of their loving insights, I shifted my perspective. I found a way to view the crisis as a gift. Our crisis points are when it truly matters who we surround ourselves with, and what kind of spiritual and intuitive tools we’ve gathered over the years.
My amazing husband Gene and I have always made our decisions based on intuition and how things feel to us. As we faced this challenge, we were able to bring our intuition to the major decisions we needed to make. I interviewed a number of surgeons and found one I had an instant soul connection with.
I needed surgery to remove a large section of my ascending colon. She assured me that my experience would be completely different from Paul’s. She was also confident that my experience would heal my PTSD from watching Paul suffer. And she was absolutely correct.
As the surgery date neared, I underwent a soul review, examining where my life had gone in recent years and what parts needed to change in order to shine my brightest light and stay here on Earth. Much was revealed in my inner searching, and I made promises to my guides and angels about the changes I would make in order to live my soul’s path on a higher frequency.
The surgery was successful, and days later we got the lab results, which determined that the 25 lymph nodes and the piece of my colon she’d removed showed no sign of the cancer spreading.
You’re eternally loved by the God force; you’re never alone. Call on your guides, angels and departed loved ones to comfort you. It’s their job to help us, but we may not feel their presence unless we shift our frequency higher by sending out love and gratitude. Easy ways to shift your frequency include humor, gratitude, compassion, and unconditional love.
Ask the God force, your guides, or your departed loved ones to help you see from your soul’s perspective instead of from a limited human viewpoint. You’ll know this is occurring when you feel calm and confident, surrounded by loving grace.
In every circumstance, there is always a light waiting for you to find it. Shifting your frequency reveals the path within each painful moment. Fear is the mind killer. Our job is to offer love to what terrifies us, gratitude to what angers us.
Get clear on what you need to surrender to and what you need to embrace moving forward from your health crisis. Every reinvention point, every dark night of the soul, is calling you to shift into what is next and better—even if you have no idea what that is.
Do a quick soul review; ask yourself what you could be doing better in your life. What do you regret from your past actions? Resolve to live fully in the light of your higher purpose.
From the perspective of numerology, numbers offer constant feedback about what’s happening in your life and how to move through those circumstances. The number of my first randomly assigned hospital room equated to the number 9, the number associated with surrender to higher lessons and trusting the divine process. In that 9 room, I received my cancer diagnosis and surrendered to where I was meant to go.
After surgery, I was assigned to room 3311. In the numerology system that I use, 11 and 33 are two very high-frequency master soul numbers that celebrate and enhance our connection to the God force. I’ve studied and taught sacred numerology since 1980, and seeing those two powerful numbers on the wall above my hospital bed was a constant reminder that my experience was part of a greater soul plan I’d agreed to for the purpose of higher learning. I felt held in the loving presence of the God force.
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