Guided Meditation for Befriending Loneliness
Tolerate the discomfort of loneliness.
Zhanna Kavaliova/Getty
The human body is a body of thought. Just as a person feels, thinks, speaks, and acts, that is what he is, and that is how he influences his surroundings.
The solar plexus, a central nerve complex, is an important switch point in the nervous system. It can be considerably influenced. If this switch point, including the nervous system, is detrimentally affected by dissonances of various kinds, illness and blows of fate may be the result.
Dissonances develop, for example, through sounds, through glaring or dark colors, through thoughts of hatred and envy, through quarrels, through brooding and aimless thoughts, through severe problems and worries, by thinking about things that happened long ago and being unable to forgive or through other difficulties that a person cannot let go of.
Especially the world of a person’s thoughts is decisive, depending on how the person feels, thinks, speaks, and acts. So, with his conflicts, a disharmonious person constantly influences his nervous system, which is the connecting network to the soul. He causes tension in the delicate, vital nerves through which and along which the spirit power flows, the life, which wants to keep the body healthy and joyful in life.
Every cell of the body has a consciousness, a subconscious, and a spirit consciousness. If the nervous system, the sounding board of the body, is tense, that is, disharmonious, then the eternal life force, the spirit consciousness, can supply the cells only to a very limited extent. As a result, unlawful forces vibrate into the cell’s consciousness and subconscious and paralyze the activity of the cellular tissue. This, in turn, results in illness, indisposition, and blows of fate, since, at every moment, the nervous system registers a person’s feelings, thoughts, words, and deeds.
We know that every action is followed by a reaction. The action first occurs in the brain, in feeling and thought. The reaction occurs in the nervous system and then in the cells, organs, muscles, glands, and hormones, that is, in the entire organism.
If the cellular tissue has a high frequency of vibration because a lot of spirit power streams into the body via the soul, it repels unlawful, contrary energies. It protects itself by giving corresponding signals that are received by an alert person who then heeds them in thought and deed.
However, if a person has a negative attitude toward life, then, over time, the spiritual life force in soul and body is reduced to the point where the organism has but little life energy at its disposal. If the consciousness and subconscious of the cells are highly burdened in their vibration, in other words, if their vibration is low, the sick organ cannot be healed by the Spirit via the soul. Medications can accomplish some things on the body, but they cannot heal the soul.
It would be helpful to harmonize and strengthen the nervous system and support the organs with natural medication so that the Spirit—via the spirit consciousness of the affected organ—has the possibility to allow the healing forces to flow more intensely into an affected organ and into other parts of the body.
Thus, the harmonization of a person and his orientation to healing through the Spirit takes place through prayer, through positive thoughts that affirm life and healing, through meditation, harmonious movements, and by supporting the body with natural medications.
Excerpted from Cause and Development of All Illness: What the Person Sows, He Will Reap, © Gabriele-Verlag. Das Wort Marktheidenfeld, Germany.
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