Help Your Nervous System Manage Pain In our search to live and move through our lives without an excessive amount of pain, we must ...
Exploring Facial Gua Sha There’s an increase in interest in this Asian healing modality. Let’s take a look.
The Art of Dreaming — Becoming Aware of Your Inner Landscape Adapted excerpt from Leopard Warrior by John Lockley.
Sunshine Soup: A Bowl of Radiance This soup is a warm break from winter’s toil, and another good reason to celebrate the return of ...
How Mental Stress Affects Your Heart Constriction of tiny blood vessels, especially in women, can be deadly.
Introducing the Essenian and Egyptian Therapies These therapies represent the basis of excellence in integrating the body with its divine essence. Sponsored
Creative Practice: Gathering Inspiration through Intuitive Wandering In the second of episode of Your Creative Spirit, Flora Bowley shares how to gather inspiration ...
Releasing Your Stress Muscle: 3 Poses for the Psoas Try these three helpful poses to bring stress relief to your muscles.
Gentle Winter Cleanse: A Mid-Holiday Reset Take these classic Ayurvedic autumn meals and turn them into an early winter cleanse.
The Longevity Personality Stubborn, positive personality types likely to live longer, new study says.
How to Listen to the Whispers of Your Soul Let go of being fine, and instead, choose another path that includes rest.