Why Clear My Aura? The cleaner and clearer the aura, the more authentic, aligned and balanced in-the-moment ...
The Ayurvedic Medicine of Taste The health benefits of balancing different tastes, plus a recipe for Coconut Almond Overnight Oats
Chocolate: A Sacred Superfood Chocolate, more specifically cacao, is a sacred and delicious medicine with countless benefits. ... Sponsored
How to Generate Flow in a Closed Chakra The more frequently you run energy into the chakra, the more rapidly you’ll open up the chakra ...
Meditation for Connecting to Sexual Energy as Life Force A guided meditation to harness your sexual energy.
How to Ground and Refresh With a Bath-Time Ritual Try this loving bath-time ritual on your own and receive a dose of self-love you likely need and ...
5 Ways to Chill Out If the weather report involves the term “scorcher,” here are some natural ways to cool off.