Foods to Support Energy and Positive Emotions “Eating foods that will center or calm your energy center is a great way to shift your energy ...
Communicate to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia The language we use when we speak to ourselves makes a profound difference in how we feel. These ...
How Inner Peace Brings World Peace “Maybe we need to think about our inner peace as reaching far beyond the limits of our bodies ...
Recipe: Mac and Cheese with Coconut Bacon In challenging times, cooking can bring a sense of calm and normalcy. Try this nutrient rich ...
How to Release Your Fears “While the ‘suddenlies’ of life are unavoidable, when they appear in front of you, it can be ...
Coronavirus From the Perspective of Mother Earth “What if I look at this pandemic from the perspective of Earth? What might our 4.5 ...
Engage Nature’s Healing Energies “If you feel drawn to a particular place outdoors in nature, try to go there (even if just in ...
Welcoming Spring and Change Getting out of our comfort zone is not always easy, but we may find that releasing our grip ...
A GREAT Place to Live Magnets attract you to a place and anchors keep you there. What are your magnets and anchors?
4 Super Greens to Grow in Your Spring Garden Eating a diet rich in greens can help you improve your blood pressure, boost your immune system, ...
4 Ways to Mindfully Consume News During Coronavirus With news this intense and upsetting, we need to monitor our own consumption very carefully.