Energy Meditation for Healing Yourself After Illness, Injury, or Surgery Wounded in body or spirit? A energy meditation can assist with healing and recovery.
Befriending the Vagus Nerve Explore the most accessible ways to achieve natural vagus nerve stimulation.
Sleep and Immunity: 6 Ways to Boost Your Body’s Immune System While You are Sleeping Ward off infection and avoid illness by cranking up your body’s defense system all night long.
8 Ways to Live With a Chronic Illness Don't just cope with chronic illness. Discover ways to let go, address limitations, and move ...
3 Simple Fixes to Ease Upper Back Pain Poor posture, shallow breathing, and shutdown emotions wreak havoc on your back. Try these ...
The Spiritual Meaning of Lower Back Pain Seeking and acknowledging the spiritual meaning of lower back pain can set you on a course for ...
Ho’oponopono: Digesting Pain and Inviting Forgiveness Address your spiritual wounds with the traditional Hawaiian cleansing practice of ho’oponopono.
14 Strategies for Sleeping Better Can't remember the last time you had a good night's sleep? It's time to take a more strategic ...
Yoga for Sore Feet Sore, achy feet affect your mood, not to mention cause pain to radiate to other areas of the ...
3 Important Benefits of Tai Chi Tai chi is a low-impact traditional Chinese medicine practice that engages the mind and body. ...
Spirituality and Books “Books are my best friends ...” says Rabbi Rami, discussing the connection between spirituality ...