Tadasana: The Pose for Standing Witness Take a moment to stand upright. Do your best to stand as you normally do, without trying to find ...
Assuming the Whole Body Is Conscious Can Heal Puzzling Symptoms What happens when you allow your whole body to have a conscious voice? “I have seen dramatic ...
What Is Your Thyroid Telling You? Vibrant introduces readers to practical steps to improve everything from brain health and energy ...
Balancing the Throat Chakra for Neck and Shoulder Pain When there is pain in the neck or restriction in the throat chakra, it’s worth asking: What ...
4 Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Like superfood for your mane: stimulate growth, relieve and exfoliate the scalp, increase ...
The Spiritual Meaning of Foot Pain When we confront obstacles, our feet may be the first to know it. The spiritual meaning of foot ...
Podcast: Dance Psychologist Dr. Peter Lovatt Dance psychologist and teacher Peter Lovatt, author of The Dance Cure, believes every human ...
Dr. Emeran Mayer on The Gut-Immune Connection Our bodies have been under siege, and not just due to COVID. Dr. Emeran Mayer explains that it’s ...
Can a Detox Feel Worse Before It Feels Better? A detox can bring past symptoms to the surface. Listen to your body and your practitioner ...
Coaxing Your Adrenals Back to Health Intuitive healing practitioner Muneeza Ahmed lists eight steps to get your energy back.