Toolbox: Head Off Headaches Experiment with these unique headache relief gadgets and resources—and maybe make head pain just ...
5 Care Tips: Liver The liver is the biggest organ in the human body other than the skin. Follow five care tips to ...
The Spiritual Meaning of Vaginal Infections The spiritual meaning of vaginal infections may stem from the metaphorical penetration of toxic ...
The Spiritual Meaning of Pelvic Floor Pain Pelvic floor pain can arise from physical dysfunction as well as blocked energy.
Cancer and Canopy: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing Researchers are continuing to learn what role forests play in everything from human happiness to ...
Ayurvedic Spices to Ignite Your Digestion This Holiday Season Be an at-home apothecary and avoid Vata aggravation with these Ayurveda-friendly spices for ...
Easing Postpartum Neck and Shoulders Try these exercises when carrying, cuddling, nursing, picking up, and holding your baby causes ...
Guided Meditation: Postpartum Healing Tap into a white-light energy to cultivate postpartum healing in this short meditation.
Knowing My Body Is Good—in Spite of Chronic Pain Sometimes I find myself wondering, Do I really believe my body is good—even now?
The Role of the Nervous System in the Development of Illness or Being Healthy Every cell of the body has a consciousness, a subconscious, and a spirit consciousness. Sponsored
Podcast: Pamela Seelig, Threads of Yoga Rabbi Rami and Pamela Seelig discuss the yoga sutras, quieting the mind, yoga as an antidote, ...