The Body Easing Postpartum Neck and Shoulders Try these exercises when carrying, cuddling, nursing, picking up, and holding your baby causes ...
Living in the World COP26 Summit: Spirituality and the Climate Crisis Creation stands in desperate need.
Relationships How to Stop Taking On the Energy of Others You are made of energy at the cellular level and you are impacted and affected by the energy of ...
Living in the World The Language of Energetics The goal of energetic herbalism is to enhance our terrain, which is our inner landscape, and to ...
Spiritual Practices What To Do if You Are Languishing What do you do if you are languishing or know someone who is? Sponsored
The Body Guided Meditation: Postpartum Healing Tap into a white-light energy to cultivate postpartum healing in this short meditation.
Spiritual Practices Oracle Cards for Beginners Discover how they differ from tarot cards, how to choose the right oracle deck, and more.
The Body Knowing My Body Is Good—in Spite of Chronic Pain Sometimes I find myself wondering, Do I really believe my body is good—even now?
Living in the World Podcast: Lisa Broderick, Living a Limitless Existence Lisa Broderick explores two startling claims: “You can control your experience of time” and “You ...
Spiritual Practices Podcast: After Death Communication ... Don’t Be Afraid, You’re Not Alone “I understood then that this was the point of the dream. That I was being shown this world as a ...
Spiritual Practices Elemental Wisdom, Part 2—Air Air people live in the realm of thoughts and ideas. They can be expressive but must also ...
The Body The Role of the Nervous System in the Development of Illness or Being Healthy Every cell of the body has a consciousness, a subconscious, and a spirit consciousness. Sponsored