Relationships Needing and Being Needed: The Yin and Yang of Love Embracing the concepts of yin and yang in relationships can be deeply healing.
Relationships Stories That Connect “We are united in the emotions that drive us into the beliefs that divide us.”
Mental Wellness 6 Holistic Tips for Unhealthy Perfectionism Banish unhealthy perfectionism, relieve stress and self-doubt, and embrace a perfectly imperfect ...
Relationships Four Small Lessons “When opened enough, it’s hard to tell what you carry and what I put down. When opened enough, ...
Spiritual Practices Furious to Curious: Listening as a Spiritual Practice How a couple handles tensions determines the trajectory of their relationship.
Relationships 7 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With a Friend If these signs appear in your friendship, consider if it’s healthy or beneficial to maintain it.
Relationships 6 Ancient Love Goddesses to Inspire Your Inner Enchantress Beyond Venus, these goddesses speak to different aspects of your inner divine.
Relationships How to Stop Taking On the Energy of Others You are made of energy at the cellular level and you are impacted and affected by the energy of ...
Relationships A Letting Go Ritual for Couples Expressing and releasing a specific resentment makes space for love in this letting go ritual ...
Relationships Giving Experiences: 15+ Experiential Gifts for Loved Ones Giving and receiving gifts can be a true joy. But accumulating more things can feel like a burden.
Relationships 15 Affirmations for Releasing a Relationship That No Longer Feels Aligned Remember—letting go is not the same as giving up.
Relationships How to Stop Enabling a Narcissist Putting another’s needs ahead of your own to avoid their negativity and blowback is one sign you ...
The Body 4 Ways to Incorporate More Touch Into Your Day in Socially Distanced Times Experiencing touch deprivation? Research suggests four simple practices for relief.