Practice the Art of Affectionate Witnessing Affectionate witnessing is about being fully present with a person without trying to fix, judge, ...
Relationships Polyamory as a Spiritual Practice A Unity minister offers wisdom on the power of polyamory to expand our abundance, teach us ...
Relationships Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for Relationships The Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, has been proven to help manage anxiety, ...
Relationships 3 Ways to Manage New Relationship Anxiety A psychotherapist and leadership coach offers three powerful strategies to manage new ...
Relationships How Reiki Can Help Relationships Reiki can have positive healing effects on the mind and body, but it can also support us in ...
Relationships Try a Light Transmission Ritual to Strengthen Your Relationships One author experienced a light transmission ritual and shares how its power can help us navigate ...
Guided Meditation: Finding Good Love Is finding the right romantic relationship a struggle for you? Consider sitting down for a ...
Relationships Why It’s Okay to Want Romantic Love Love is an ongoing, evolving experience, not something that can be won or lost. If you’re ...
Relationships Use the Tarot to Find Yin-Yang Harmony in Relationships The tarot can be used to find balance between feminine and masculine energies in ourselves and ...
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of the Lovers Tarot Card The Lovers tarot card doesn’t just indicate a new relationship on the horizon—it also represents ...
Relationships Attraction Is Our Wounds Trying to Heal When we are attracted to unhealed people, it’s often because of unhealed wounds within ...
Relationships Podcast: Dr. Allan Hamilton, The Enlightenment Lab What does it mean to be a good partner and leader toward others? Dr. Allan Hamilton shares Zen ...
Relationships What Is a Cord-Cutting Ritual, and How Can It Help Your Relationships? A cord-cutting ritual may be exactly what you need to revitalize your relationships and ...
Mental Wellness What Is Gaslighting? The term “gaslighting” can often be vague and confusing. Learn more about what gaslighting ...
Relationships A Sensory Awakening Ritual for Couples Delight your partner in a curated journey of sensual delights to open the body, mind, and heart ...