The Body The Spiritual Meaning of Incontinence How does the flow of energy connect to physical and spiritual leaks?
Relationships Future Field Trip: A Writing Ritual for Alignment and Inner Peace Try this guided writing ritual to set intentions and meet your future self.
Mental Wellness Get Grounded for the New Year Connect to the earth with a 15-minute grounding meditation to calm anxieties and manifest desires.
Spiritual Practices Four Mentors and the Spiritual Quest You are on a spiritual quest ... and you may meet four archetypal mentors, including the ...
The Body Sensing a Traumaversary On a tragic anniversary—a traumaversary—ask yourself: What does your body need?
Perspectives Go Natural for the New Year Energetically, celestially, astrologically, physically—January 1st is just one day.
Mental Wellness What Is Alcohol Costing You? “I’m going to hazard a guess that the average drinker loses about 20 percent of their bandwidth ...
The Body Secrets of Softening the Psoas Stretch all you want—these muscles won’t release until you feel safe enough to let them.
Mental Wellness 10 Tried and True Anxiety Relief Affirmations for Staying Calm in the Chaos “Anxiety isn’t trying to limit me but free me from a situation that no longer feels good.”
Living in the World Featured Artist: Leila Rose Fanner South African artist Leila Rose Fanner talks about symmetry, race, getting in flow, and more. ...
Spiritual Practices The God-Sized Hole “I feel this great hole in me. A religious friend called this a “God-sized” hole and urged me to ...
Spiritual Practices Furious to Curious: Listening as a Spiritual Practice How a couple handles tensions determines the trajectory of their relationship.