Perspectives What Is My Life For? “My experience with Zen was not brief, and yet for all that, it was not fruitful either.”
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, The Shamanic Bones of Zen Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, African-American Soto Zen Buddhist priest and medicine woman, discusses ...
The Body 3 Yoga Postures for the Galloping Gibbous Moon As we gallop toward the full moon, why not try a more energetic yoga practice?
Spiritual Practices Animal Chaplain Sarah Bowen on Respecting and Revering All the Animals Sarah Bowen explores the intersection of animals and spirituality in Sacred Sendoffs: An Animal ...
The Body Medical Astrology: Connecting Stars, Planets, and Body Parts for Better Health Medical astrology links planets to body parts. Your body’s strengths and weaknesses may be ...
Mental Wellness 5 Ways to Lament and Acknowledge Grief Acknowledge your grief and start to move past it with five lamentation practices.
Spiritual Practices Seeing Our Shadow in the Light of the Full Moon “With new lenses, new compassion, new courage from our own inner work and our nightly dreams—we ...
Living in the World Science & Spirit: Prunes for Bone Health, Embracing Forgetfulness, and VR Therapy New research on why forgetfulness in later life should be honored. Plus, talking to a virtual ...
Spiritual Practices Spiritual Meaning of Burning Feet The spiritual meaning of burning feet might be about an imbalanced path, a trial by fire, or a ...
Mental Wellness Affirmations for Overcoming Pregnancy Anxiety 17 affirmations for expectant mamas and those who want to uplift them.
Relationships 4 Steps to Receive Your Soulmate Discover the second step on the path to find your soulmate. Sponsored