Living in the World 5 Anti-New Years Resolutions January is one of the hardest times of year to establish new habits. Instead, use these ...
Perspectives Setting Intentions for the New Year (Instead of Resolutions) Now that 2025 has arrived, throw away the resolutions and try setting intentions for the new year.
Perspectives Setting Intentions for the New Year (Instead of Resolutions) Now that the new year has arrived, throw away the resolutions and try setting intentions for the ...
Perspectives Go Natural for the New Year Energetically, celestially, astrologically, physically—January 1st is just one day.
Living in the World It’s Time for Shedding Sarah Bowen provides some creaturely resolutions and insights for the New Year.
Spiritual Practices Refresh Body and Spirit With a Moon Practice Does your New Year’s Resolution feel like a distant memory? The moon provides a monthly fresh ...
Relationships Commit to Dry January: The Dry Challenge Having a “Sober Month Support Squad” can make your dry month more fun, and you can plan ...
Living in the World Visioning a Re-NEW-able Year This year, turn to the first known resolution makers—the ancient Babylonians—for inspiration.
Mental Wellness Resolution Solution: Holistic New Year's Resolutions New Year’s resolutions never seem to stick. Explore a more holistic approach.
Mental Wellness Enjoy Yourself, Even Now It's okay to find the silver lining and enjoy yourself, even now.
The Body “I Feel Bad About Not Sticking With My Resolutions” Every year, we make resolutions. Every year, it seems, we fall short. That's perfectly fine. ...
The Body 2020 Resolution: Balance Spiritual Self-Care with Being an Engaged Citizen “Buckle up; we’re in for a bumpy ride this year. With the impeachment trial, the Democratic ...
9 Ways to Turn Your Resolution into Your Reality Try these science-based tips for keeping your resolutions alive.
Perspectives 20 Creative (and Shame-Free) New Year’s Resolutions Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure by making promises we can’t keep or by initiating ...
The Body How to Use Energy Work to Manifest your Desires What are you interested in creating and actualizing? Sponsored