Perspectives 20 Creative (and Shame-Free) New Year’s Resolutions Sometimes we set ourselves up for failure by making promises we can’t keep or by initiating ...
Relationships Winter Solstice and a New Moon: A Time for Stillness This is a potent time for honoring the darkness that surrounds us, seeking the wisdom it holds, ...
How to Add Meaning to Your Movement In the world of behavior change, the first step in creating any kind of lasting shift in your ...
The Body Unfurl Into the New Year While many focus on what to do in the new year, here are some powerful ways of being to herald ...
3 New Year's Anti-Resolutions Guaranteed Not to Sink Your Self-Esteem For some, resolutions are not the path to a better life.
The Body Guided Meditation for the End of the Year Say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new.
The Body 8 Affirmations for New Beginnings Here are some affirmations for new beginnings, no matter when in the calendar you start to ...
The Body Expose Yourself: A New Year Intention, Inspired By the Moon Setting New Year intentions by the moon.