Mental Wellness Chronic Anxiety Is Not an Illness—It’s a Coping Mechanism “Anxiety is a message coming from the body, spoken in a language you are about to learn.” Two ...
The Body A Nervous System Healing Protocol for Chronic Pain and Illness When we take time out of our lives and focus on healing, chronic pain and illness may become ...
Mental Wellness Why I Don’t Believe in Laziness “Laziness” isn’t a moral failure—it may be our bodies and nervous systems asking for a break so ...
The Body 5 Types of Rest (That Aren’t Sleep) Rest doesn’t always have to look like more sleep. When we listen to the body’s needs and ...
The Body How to Get Yourself Unstuck From Stress A physical therapist offers her best tips—from personal experience—to re-awaken the mind and ...
Mental Wellness 5 Must-Have Tools to Turn Fight-or-Flight Into Rest-and-Digest Use these five creative tools to shift from the sympathetic nervous system into the ...
The Body 8 Ayurvedic Tips to Support the Nervous System After periods of stress and deep anxiety, our nervous systems need nourishment. See if one of ...
The Body Settle the Nervous System: A Meditation for Calm and Self-Compassion Soothe yourself from the inside out with this gentle meditation.
The Body 6 Ways to Ease Acroparesthesia Acroparesthesia is often a burning feeling in your hands or feet and can cause pain, discomfort, ...
Mental Wellness Polyvagal Theory: The Stories We Inhabit How do you inhabit the stories you tell yourself? Polyvagal Theory expert Deb Dana navigates you ...
Perspectives Making a Choice With the Body Your head might consider a dilemma logically, the belly intuitively or emotionally, and the ...
The Body Yoga for SIBO In addition to diet and medicine, yoga can help treat the overgrowth of bacteria in the small ...
Mental Wellness Your Nervous System Is at War—How to Negotiate Peace Your nervous system has a sweet spot. Reach the optimal state of calm arousal and call a ...
The Body Befriending the Vagus Nerve Explore the most accessible ways to achieve natural vagus nerve stimulation.
The Body Calm Down: 3 Ways to Activate Your Vagus Nerve Your vagus nerve is your body's information highway. It helps your brain and body communicate, ...