Spiritual Practices Modern Norse Pagan Practices for Beginners Ancient Northern European spiritual practices are accessible to people of all lineages. Explore ...
Perspectives Paganism and the Sacredness of Nature Modern pagan practices may hold wisdom that is desperately needed for our time.
Spiritual Practices A Ritual-Full Life “Every time I have gathered in community ritual or personal ceremony, I have experienced a healing.”
Spiritual Practices Prison and Paganism The author of Paganism on Parole explains how she deepened her faith while incarcerated.
Relationships Beltane Ritual for Couples Honor your relationship throughout the Gaelic May Day festival with a Beltane ritual for couples.
Spiritual Practices Repaganizing: Reconnecting With Our Pagan Past Repaganizing suggests that paganism is our natural state—that recent trends are simply a return ...
Mental Wellness Spring Equinox Detox Harness Ostara’s essence with three spring equinox detoxes. Emerge, cleanse, name, and claim.
Spiritual Practices Spiritual Fire: A Candle-Burning Ritual for Happiness Ignite spiritual fire and attract joy with this revamped spin on an age-old practice.
Spiritual Practices A Ritual for an Imbolc New Moon When a new moon coincides with the celebration of Imbolc, perform this ritual for new beginnings.
Perspectives Go Natural for the New Year Energetically, celestially, astrologically, physically—January 1st is just one day.
Spiritual Practices Druidry for Beginners Interested in modern Druid practices? Druidry begins with three paths that connect nature, ...
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of Midsummer Try this mini-ritual for midsummer, when nature teaches us to rest and be patient.
Spiritual Practices The Hoodoo Blues Not voodoo—hoodoo. Hoodoo meaning can be found in a variety of practices from “spells timed to ...