Living in the World What Is Ecosexuality? Do certain landscapes inspire you, move you, or even turn you on? Lean into that feeling.
Living in the World How to Avoid Place Blindness Place blindness is a form of apathy that sets in when we don’t spend enough time outdoors. ...
Living in the World Searching for Nature’s Medicine A trip to the Sharri Mountains in the pursuit of folklore about plants.
Perspectives Featured Artist: Jess Polanshek S&H editor Ben Nussbaum spoke with artist Jess Polanshek about drawing porcupines, working ...
Perspectives Can Watching Bear Cams Improve Wellbeing? People expressed improved relaxation & stress reduction after watching bears at an Alaskan ...
Living in the World Spirituality and Rewilding Feeling domesticated? Schedule in time to shatter your schedule and start rewilding yourself.
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Vanessa Chakour, Awakening Artemis and Rewilding Nature Herbalist and environmental activist Vanessa Chakour encourages you to rewire your perception of ...
Spiritual Practices 7 Daily Shinto Rituals Lifelong Shinto practitioner suggests ways to incorporate Shinto cleansing and purifying rituals.
Perspectives Wonder Seeker’s Practices for Connecting With Nature Discover 3 ways to actively seek wonder in the natural world around you.
Perspectives Dendrolatry and the Spiritual Meaning of “Treeness” Should we worship something that isn’t perfect or can harm us, or are we missing the point of ...
Spiritual Practices Walking the Tree Labyrinth Create your own labyrinth, finding the trees amidst the cactuses and bushes.
Perspectives Whittling Me Smooth The art of woodwork captures a spirit, smoothing internal lines of yearning.