Relationships Poem: Tattoo "if you nodded at him, or not, / chattering words to / a patience prayer, over and over."
Mental Wellness poem: CONFETTI "to turn the world inside out, this / delicate force that sometimes hugs / itself so tightly, ...
Spiritual Practices 4 Energy-Amplifying Crystals for the Full Moon Amethyst, Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, and White Moonstone are powerful crystals for a full ...
The Body Savor the Sweetness of the Strawberry Moon The cycles of the moon offer potency to anything we set into motion. The sweetness is there for ...
The Body Moon Practice: Ritual for a Spring New Moon Julie Peters shares her personal ritual for the new moon.
The Body Moon Practice: Ritual for a Spring Full Moon On the full moon, create a ritual that has meaning for you.
Perspectives Poem: Wild Thing The poems and prose in Amanda Torroni's new book, Stargazing at Noon, unfold in moon phases, ...
The Body Unfurl Into the New Year While many focus on what to do in the new year, here are some powerful ways of being to herald ...
Spiritual Practices Working With Moon Phases Discover how to work with moon phases. Then you can plan, or adjust, accordingly.
The Body Making Everyday Spaces Sacred Through Intuitive Ritual Draw sacredness into your life whenever you need it with simple intentional rituals.
The Body Meditation for Letting Go With the Waning Moon An audio meditation for letting go and moving on.
The Body A Goddess of Post Traumatic Growth: Nilapataka Nitya This goddess encourages us to courageously churn the oceans of our inner selves, to explore the ...
The Body New Moon Meditation: The Goddess of Loneliness A preview of Moon Meditations: 16 Nights for Desire, Heartache, and Connection