Spiritual Practices Spiritual Meaning of the Blood Moon The appearance of a blood moon has had spiritual meaning throughout history.
Perspectives Wonder Seeker’s Practices for Connecting With Nature Discover 3 ways to actively seek wonder in the natural world around you.
Spiritual Practices 5 Powerful Crystals for the Full Moon Use these full moon crystals to receive deep insights and downloads from the higher spiritual ...
Spiritual Practices Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon The full moon illuminates a time of heightened emotions and potent creativity.
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of Moon Phases Turn to the spiritual meaning of the moon phases to connect to the rhythms and cycles outside of ...
Spiritual Practices Becoming Moon-imals What might we gain from considering ourselves in the same way, affected by both our earthly ...
Perspectives Thunder and Lightning: The Spiritual Meaning of the Blue Moons The thunder moon and the lightning moon that follows it can bring stormy weather inside and out.
Spiritual Practices Spiritual Meaning of the Crescent Moon The waning and waxing crescent moon offers two distinct paths to deepen your moon practice.
Spiritual Practices Chilled Cherry Moon Milk & Sleep Meditation Savor the flavors of frothy cherry moon milk while you visualize being bathed in a peaceful pink ...
Spiritual Practices Embracing New Moon Energy A new moon can be a time to plot change, plant seeds, and bathe in darkness.
Spiritual Practices Consumable Magic: A Ritual to Honor the Strawberry Moon The beginning of summer is a time to rejoice in nature’s abundance. This ritual uses delicious ...
Spiritual Practices Add Salt to Your New Moon Ritual The combination of the lunar phase and the spiritual potency of salt amplify the power of this ...
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Flower Moon The May full moon marks a turning point, a movement into the bright, sunshiny half of the year.
Spiritual Practices 10 Affirmations for Your Next Full Moon Ritual Every full moon is a chance to metaphorically and physically drop anything that no longer serves ...
Spiritual Practices Refresh Body and Spirit With a Moon Practice Does your New Year’s Resolution feel like a distant memory? The moon provides a monthly fresh ...