Spiritual Practices Roadside Assistance: “I'm a Girl, Gramma, I Don't Want a Boy God.” Our roadside oracle answers your questions on the gender of God, the potential of hell, and how ...
Mental Wellness Demystifying the Talking Cure Talk therapy—and the process of finding the right therapist—can be confusing. Here are nine ways ...
The Body 5 Care Tips: Dance Into a New Groove Feeling stuck? Explore five new ways to move your body to revitalize your way of being in the word.
Living in the World The Missing Middle Cori Howard finds that it takes more than Marie Kondo and burning sage to transition to an empty ...
Perspectives The Future of Touch Spa aficionado Mary Bemis traveled to New York to receive her first massage from a robot.
Perspectives Delightfully Deep in the Weeds Our lead digital editor spent a week apprenticed to a master seaweed harvester—and learned much ...
Spiritual Practices Hacker Spirituality Theologian Anne Foerst suggests that the young man who stole your identity set out to find ...
Living in the World Faith Tech Stephen Kiesling has a virtual dialogue with venture capitalists bent on buying the stairways to ...
Relationships Crisis and Transformation Suzanne Mariott’s beautiful memoir on caregiving, published this month, began taking shape years ...
The Body Why—Still—the Sound of Silence? Three healing professionals—Amza Ali, MD, Justin Grant, Phd, and Mary-Elizabeth Gifford—consider ...
Poem: Praying I Will Find Mark Nepo shares a poem from his latest book, "The Half Life of Angels." Plus, a video of Mark ...
Perspectives The Time of Our Lives The new path is not toward retirement, but renewal. What does being a modern elder mean to you?
Perspectives I Don't Just Take Photos Christopher Briscoe also practices the art of giving them away.
Mental Wellness Practices for Shattered Nights "March 11th was a normal day, filled with typical responsibilities and joys, concerns and ...
Mental Wellness Why Dance Makes Brains Better Explore how an effort to help people with Parkinson’s disease now helps everyone keep a ...