Mental Wellness The Magic of Slowing Down Qi gong master Lee Holden shares powerful practices to bring more presence and pleasure into ...
The Body Intuitive Eating for Nervous System Health A board-certified nutritionist, herbalist, and intuitive eating coach offers her best tips to ...
Perspectives 6 Common Meditation Myths (and Their Solutions) A somatics coach and meditation instructor debunks six myths about why you feel you can’t ...
Mental Wellness How Meditation Can Help Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) A seasonal affective disorder expert and light therapy pioneer shares how mindfulness can ...
Spiritual Practices But How? My Spiritual Practice When you think of your daily spiritual practice, is it through discipline or joy? Rabbi Rami ...
Spiritual Practices Finding Zen by Accepting Impermanence Rabbi Rami reflects upon his own Zen teachings after a recent conversation with crossword puzzle ...
Perspectives Podcast: Myles Mellor, The Zen of Crossword Puzzles What is the history of crossword puzzles and why do we love solving them? Author and puzzle ...
The Body Struggling to Relax? Try Softening Instead Does a yoga instructor’s cue of “just relax” cause you to tense up even more? Experiment with ...
Spiritual Practices Using Awareness to Create a Meaningful Life “What we need to realize is that this sense of meaninglessness does not come from our lives but ...
Perspectives Mindfulness and Me: A Confession of Failure Like any form of meditation, mindfulness meditation training can be a different experience for ...
Perspectives The Key to Open-Mindedness Is it possible to learn open-mindedness? Rabbi Rami explores his perspective on curiousity ...
Living in the World Sharon Salzberg on Making the Best of Real Life Beloved meditation teacher and author Sharon Salzberg shares her thoughts on gratitude, pandemic ...
The Body How to Use Mindfulness for Pain Relief A mindfulness research pioneer offers his wisdom (and a guided meditation) on utilizing simple ...
Relationships The Five A’s of Relationship Prosperity Partnership in need of an infusion of healing? These five tips can help you foster more positive ...