Spiritual Practices The Diamond Ray of Light: A Self-Care Energy Practice This easy energy cleanse meditation helps us revitalize and rejuvenate ourselves, and encourages ...
Perspectives Mindfulness and Me: A Confession of Failure Like any form of meditation, mindfulness meditation training can be a different experience for ...
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Cheryl Pallant, Healing the World With Ecosomatics What is the division between humanity and the Earth, and how do we heal it? Author and teacher ...
The Body Your Guide to Movement Meditation Seated meditation difficult for you? Consider shifting your focus to a movement mediation practice.
The Body How to Use Mindfulness for Pain Relief A mindfulness research pioneer offers his wisdom (and a guided meditation) on utilizing simple ...
Spiritual Practices On Psychedelic Buddhism With Lama Mike Crowley Buddhism has deeply-rooted, and perhaps surprising, connections to psychedelic medicine. Lama ...
Living in the World A Pre-Spring Sun Meditation Combat winter malaise with celestial contemplation—practice this meditation to honor the Sun.
Relationships Use Metta Meditation to Strengthen Your Relationships The Buddhist practice of metta, or loving-kindness, can be used to strengthen your romantic ...
Living in the World Wake Up to the Dark Clark Strand walks the path toward a new appreciation of the night.
Spiritual Practices How to Use Mantra Meditation for the Chakras Meditate using mantras to help balance and energize each of the seven main chakras.
Mental Wellness A Guided Earth Medicine Sleep Meditation In this sleep meditation, connect with the energy of the earth element to help you cleanse any ...
Perspectives Podcast: Adrienne van der Valk, Mindfulness Over Merlot Explore how mindfulness practices can support recovery from substance use disorder with ...
Spiritual Practices Practicing Mauna In need of more quiet time? Concerned about noise pollution? Practice mauna.
Changing Our Relationship to Change What lies at the heart of fear? Learn to reframe your relationship with change with Yung Pueblo.