The Body Meditation Practice: Drawing a Mandala In the first episode of Your Creative Spirit, Flora Bowley shares a step-by-step guide to ...
The Body 10 Ways to Make Meditation Practice A No-Brainer Set yourself up for successful meditation practice.
The Body Week 3: Spreading Love throughout Your Body, Soul, and Spirit Nurture your soul, your spirit, and your body so that you can connect to your authentic self.
The Body Week 2: Get Rid of Blockages to Your Intuition This week, let us transform our energy from a low vibration to a high vibration.
The Body Aligning Yourself With Self Begin to establish certainty and trust within yourself with this grounding guided meditation.
Spiritual Practices Purpose-Centered Therapy Shoma Morita was a Zen Buddhist, and his therapy left a lasting spiritual mark on Japan.
The Body Mindfulness: More Rigor, Less Hype A panel of experts calls for more consistent scientific examination of mindfulness.
The Body New Moon Meditation: Pause the Breath, Pause the Mind Try this audio meditation for slowing down the mind.
The Body Zen and Personal Crisis Excerpt from Grassroots and Zen: Community and Practice in the Twenty-First Century by Perle ...
Mental Wellness Kiss the Moment: Meditate Mindfully Misconceptions about meditation can get in the way of practice. “When you’re kissing somebody ...