The Body How to Cleanse the Mind and Body with Yoga If you're feeling stagnant and in need of renewal, try one of these yoga cleanse techniques.
Spiritual Practices Breath Prayer: An Ancient Practice for Today Utilize an ancient practice to calm the mind and re-center yourself on truth.
Martin Thielen Martin Thielen, a retired United Methodist minister and writer, is the creator and author of ...
The Body How to Practice Transformational Breathing Transformational breathing involves rapid breathwork for 20-45 minutes. The results can feel ...
Jennifer Tucker Jenn Tucker is author of Breath as Prayer: Calm Your Anxiety, Focus Your Mind, and Renew Your ...
The Body Guided Meditation: A Healing Tea for Your Gut Rebalance at the gut level. Find yourself on a soft sand beach, with a healing tea in this ...
Living in the World How Awe Narratives Can Transform Your Life Want to be more loving and caring, with better health and enhanced wellbeing? Try awe narratives.
Spiritual Practices Letting Go of Anger—the Buddhist Way Discover six practices rooted in Buddhist teaching that can dissipate anger.
Spiritual Practices 4 Ways to Cleanse Post-Vacation Negative Energy Not feeling quite right after a get-together? Cleanse the bad energy.
Living in the World Science & Spirit: Caffeinated Shopping, Aging Your Act, and the Cost of Vitamins Feel younger to recover faster, don’t buy vitamins, and think twice before shopping under the ...
Living in the World What Is Ecosexuality? Do certain landscapes inspire you, move you, or even turn you on? Lean into that feeling.
Perspectives Podcast: Brian McLaren, “Do I Stay Christian?” Investigate why it’s constructive to doubt your religion in this conversation with activist ...
The Body 6 Specific Ways to Soothe Your Nervous System Anxious? You have the power to make yourself feel better.