The Body How to Manifest Deep, Restful Sleep Each Night Try this simple visualization exercise to manifest the best night’s sleep ever tonight.
The Body The Spiritual Meaning of Insomnia Is it an overactive nervous system, or is it unprocessed emotions keeping you awake at night? ...
The Body 19 Ayurvedic Tips for Insomnia If you’re tossing and turning or just can’t get a restful night’s sleep, Ayurveda may have just ...
The Body 5 Ways to Nourish Yourself After a Night of Insomnia Couldn’t get to sleep last night? Here are five ways to have a better day today, and get a ...
The Body Finding Sleep Defining yourself as someone with sleep problems can compound them. It’s time to wake up to ...
The Body Fall Asleep Listening to Bedtime Stories for Adults Having a hard time falling asleep? Listen to a boring story.
Mental Wellness Guided Sleep Meditation for the Middle of the Night Insomniacs can take solace in this guided meditation.
Mental Wellness To Breathe Perchance to Dream Slow, deep, diaphragmatic—breathwork sounds, and is, so beneficial for treating insomnia. But ...
The Body 8 Sleep Gadgets So Unusual They Might Just Work Is sleep eluding you? Some unexpected tools may help you get to sleep and stay asleep.
The Body 11 Affirmations for Sweet Slumber If 2 am is when your mind wants to unpack an irrelevant convo from ages ago or wander to worry, ...
Living in the World 4 Animal-Inspired Tips for Better Sleep If you're looking for ways to naturally sleep better at night, where better to look than in nature?
Spiritual Practices 6 Mindfulness-Based Techniques to Help You Fall Asleep Mindfulness techniques are being incorporated more and more for sleep health. Here are six ...
The Body A Norse-Inspired Sleep Hack Try this 15-minute Norse-inspired ritual before bed for blissful sleep.
The Body 6 Ways to Fight Holiday Insomnia An expert in cognitive behavioral therapies targeting better sleep provides six strategies to ...
Cooling Sleep Meditation for Hot Summer Nights Use this guided meditation to cool off the body and mind and prepare for rest.