Perspectives A Powerful DIY Ritual to Help Heal Ambiguous Grief For those of us grieving changed relationships with living loved ones, a faux funeral may be the ...
Spiritual Practices 3 Druid Rituals for the Spring Equinox Celebrate the return of the lighter half of the year with these three druid-inspired rituals—no ...
Spiritual Practices Kundalini and the Tarot Kundalini energy and the Tarot have more in common than you might think—one spiritual teacher ... Sponsored
Perspectives Podcast: Cyndie Spiegel, Towards Joy What are microjoys, and how can acceptance of the bad with the good improve our life? Author ...
Perspectives Replacing Happiness With Microjoys How do we find a healthy balance between joy and sorrow? Rabbi Rami explores the concept of ...
Relationships 15 Affirmations to Commune With Your Helping Spirits If you feel spiritually ungrounded and disconnected, try these affirmations to connect to the ...
The Body 5 Movement Practices for Menopause During menopause, the body’s needs change. Try these five options for different ways to move the ...
Living in the World How to Practice Individuation Have you ever felt like your personality is not your own, but rather an amalgamation of ...
Relationships How Parenting Your Inner Child Can Improve Your Relationship Taking care of our inner children can help us strengthen and liberate our romantic ...
Mental Wellness Dr. Michael Amster Explains the Power of Awe A chronic pain specialist and meditation teacher shows us how to simplify mindfulness and ...
Mental Wellness Guided Meditation: The Restful Path to Sweet Dreams Enjoy this relaxing visualization through beautiful landscapes as you drift off to sleep tonight.
The Body Care for Yourself Like Watering Dry Earth "You thrive with consistent, tender care." Explore how tending to yourself gently over time can ... Sponsored
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Rev. Ryan Althaus, From Emaciated to Emancipated What is the power of laughter in religion, and how can we find the beauty in spiritual ...
Living in the World A Pre-Spring Sun Meditation Combat winter malaise with celestial contemplation—practice this meditation to honor the Sun.