The Body Another Reason to Snuggle Is cuddling going to regulate your gut bacteria? New research suggests yes.
The Body Healthy Holidays: Chocolate Raspberry Tart Enjoy this bright and healthy tart for the holidays.
The Body Explore the Labyrinth as a Walking Meditation Add the winding path of a labyrinth to your journey and you have a perfect scenario for ...
The Body Healing Heartbreak through Meditation During the Holidays How to use meditation to grow with loss.
The Body Train Your Brain to Calm the Inner Critic Our ability to be resonant with ourselves is a key for bringing healing into our life.
The Body Start a Meditation Group If you’re interested in starting a meditation group, here are several tips you might find helpful.
The Body Sit Up Straight: How to Deepen Your Meditation with Better Posture If you’ve been meditating for some time now, but haven’t been able to deepen your practice, it ...
The Body Allow Yourself to Rest We can’t seek the deepest rest. We can relax the activity that obstructs our contact with it.