The Body Community Champion: Butterfly Boxes Two Portland women are welcoming newcomers and honoring their own family history.
The Body Here’s Your Happiness Shopping List These feel-good foods are better alternatives than inhaling a sleeve of ultraprocessed crackers.
Living in the World Dispelling Fear "A woman in her 40s was seated on a bench at the park entrance. She was weeping. I asked her if ...
Living in the World Are You There, God? It’s Me: Coronavirus Finding God—and yourself—in a pandemic. Is there divine meaning?
Mental Wellness Surrender: A Practice of Uncertainty COVID-19 has anxiety on high. To cope: It’s time to surrender.
The Body The Spirituality of Laughter The Guru of Giggling shares how it’s possible (and beneficial) to laugh—even in the face of a ...
The Body Finishing a Father’s Story When Earthbound Farms co-founder Myra Goodman found her father’s journals after his death, she ...
The Body 27 Ways to Keep Your Immune System Humming Keep your immune system strong—now more than ever!
The Body Mindfulness in Difficult Times We interviewed Sharon Salzberg for this issue to honor her remarkable career. With COVID-19 on ...