Spiritual Practices 5 Risks of a Spiritual Path Discover potential pitfalls for the spiritual seeker based on two decades of research.
The Body 10 Ayurvedic Practices for Winter Explore the best ways to kickstart an Ayurvedic practice this winter.
The Body Sleep Blends Master herbalist shares three recipes for improved sleep, as well as advice on how to start on ...
Mental Wellness The Psychedelic Touch Explore how drugs like LSD have helped veterans overcome the trauma of war.
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Practice of Writing Ideas for how to get started journaling and why it’s such a powerful tool.
Perspectives Understanding Humans Stephen Kiesling sits down with November/December 2021 cover person, scientist, and ...
Relationships Giving Experiences: 15+ Experiential Gifts for Loved Ones Giving and receiving gifts can be a true joy. But accumulating more things can feel like a burden.
The Body 5 Care Tips: Knees Knees aren’t really a discrete body part—they’re a zone of intersection, where various body ...
Living in the World In the Thick of It “And it is the call of each generation to make sure that we choose love over fear and kindness ...
Spiritual Practices From Self-Love to Neighbor-Love “I am who I am because we are who we are. This inextricable connection is what I call fierce love.”