Spiritual Practices Winter Solstice Magic: A Spell for the Solar New Year This ritual to invite winter solstice magic is best done sitting in a circle (real or virtual) ...
The Body The Spiritual Meaning of Vaginal Infections The spiritual meaning of vaginal infections may stem from the metaphorical penetration of toxic ...
Mental Wellness Love Yourself Unconditionally “I fall in and out of love with myself every year, sometimes on the same day.”
Relationships Last-Minute Gifts for Animal Lovers Avoid holiday faux paws with earth- and animal-friendly presents.
Mental Wellness Simple, Beginner-Friendly Mindfulness Meditation This simple meditation can be done in any comfortable position, including lying down or even ...
Spiritual Practices Druidry for Beginners Interested in modern Druid practices? Druidry begins with three paths that connect nature, ...
Perspectives Tuning In to the Wisdom of Winter Winter marks another completion around the sun—a perfect occasion to contemplate what’s most ...
Mental Wellness 6 Things in Your House That Could Be Triggering Stress Clutter, chemicals, negative media, and more can unknowingly cause stress. The good news is ...
Relationships 7 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With a Friend If these signs appear in your friendship, consider if it’s healthy or beneficial to maintain it.
Relationships 6 Ancient Love Goddesses to Inspire Your Inner Enchantress Beyond Venus, these goddesses speak to different aspects of your inner divine.