The Body Herbal Teas for Gut Health Using herbal teas for gut health is probably easier than you think. Here are some of the ...
Living in the World Science & Spirit: Toxic Evolution, Gut Health and Sex, and Thought Control Harming others can be rewarding, stopping unwanted thoughts might make them more persistent, and ...
The Body 4 Reasons Food Rules Cause Gut Upset You are doing all the "right" things with your diet... but your stomach is constantly upset. ...
The Body Guided Meditation: A Healing Tea for Your Gut Rebalance at the gut level. Find yourself on a soft sand beach, with a healing tea in this ...
The Body 3 Crystals for Gut Health Discover how to use three powerful crystals for gut health: citrine, carnelian, and amethyst.
The Body Marma Point Massage for Digestion This marma point massage targets the temples to lower acidity, regulate the colon, and more.
The Body Guided Meditation: A Healing Fruit Garden for Your Gut This gentle meditation takes you to a beautiful garden of fruits created specifically for the ...
The Body Science & Spirit: Psychedelics, High Blood Pressure, and Raw Chicken Psychedelics may increase limits of consciousness, gut bacteria could prolong high blood ...
The Body Gut Medicine: 7 Quick Ways to Avoid or Soothe Unhappy Digestion Drinking warm lemon water before meals is just one way to avoid digestion problems.
The Body Spiritual Meaning of IBS The spiritual meaning of IBS is about looking at imbalances in how we relate to our food and our ...
The Body 4 Ways to Curb Age-Related Decline in Gut Health Gut issues increase as you age, but there’s so much you can do to keep it functioning well.
The Body The Spiritual Meaning of SIBO Unlike IBS, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine is linked to a specific cause, which in ...
The Body 6 Ways to Improve Gut Health With Vibrational Energy Healing Vibrational energy healing has a direct correlation to our overall health and wellbeing, ...
The Body Stomach Pain and the Chakras Stomach pain is connected to an unbalanced third chakra, located next to the stomach above the ...
The Body The Spiritual Meaning of Stomach Pain Problems digesting food may indicate tension in our relationships. The spiritual meaning of ...