The Body An Energy Practice for Debilitating Emotions A protocol to use to evolve your energy through intention and attention, and an audio meditation ...
Mental Wellness Meditation Medication: Grounding for Anxiety or Overwhelm The first in three-part meditation series inspired by Ayurveda.
The Body Meditation for Listening to Your Many Selves An audio meditation to open our understanding of our different voices.
The Body Mountain Wisdom Part I: Earth Connection/Center of Insight The first in a 3-part audio meditation Mountain Wisdom series.
The Body Meditation for Letting Go With the Waning Moon An audio meditation for letting go and moving on.
The Body Audio Meditation: In the Flow of Discomfort This audio meditation is for those times when there’s discomfort in the body, whether emotional ...
The Body New Moon Meditation: The Goddess of Loneliness A preview of Moon Meditations: 16 Nights for Desire, Heartache, and Connection
The Body Guided Meditation for Loving Your Belly This meditation will help you to explore your own belly, offering it thanks, appreciation, and ...
The Body The Fullness of Emptiness: A Guided Breath Meditation This guided meditation explores the bottom of the breath.
The Body Guided Meditation for the End of the Year Say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new.
From Holidaze to Holydays: A 7-minute Reset An audio meditation to help reset from your worst self to your best self.
The Body Meditating With Your Anger An audio meditation to engage with our anger and compassion without shame.
The Body Audio Meditation: Gratitude A short meditation to instantly bring love and compassion to yourself so that you can bring love ...