Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation with the Ancient Hebrew Goddess Asherah This meditation will introduce you to Asherah, who once ruled as a Canaanite mother goddess. ...
The Body Guided Meditation: The Spiritual Meaning of Your Cold or Flu While colds and flus are common annoyances, they may also teach us spiritual lessons that we can ...
The Body Guided Meditation: The Spiritual Meaning of Your Lower Back Pain Your lower back pain may just have wisdom to teach you.
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation: Inanna's Descent into the Underworld Meditating on the archetypal story of Inanna and her sister Ereshkigal can bring you great peace ...
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation: Wisdom from Baba Yaga This short guided meditation leads you into the woods to meet Baba Yaga, an ancient Slavic ...
Spiritual Practices A Guided Meditation for Dream Recall Trying to remember your dreams more clearly? Queue this meditation up on your phone for the ...
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation with the Mother Goddess Nut Embrace loving, compassionate energy with this guided meditation to connect with Nut, the ...
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation: The Story of Persephone and Demeter Take some time to contemplate the nature of life with this meditation on two ancient goddesses.
Mental Wellness Guided Meditation: Grieving with the Goddess Dhumavati Grieving or in despair? Sit with the Tantric goddess Dhumavati to process your emotions and ...
Spiritual Practices Guided Sleep Meditation: Visiting Grandmother's Cottage Lull yourself to sleep with a soothing meditation, visualizing yourself visiting a kind ...
Perspectives A Happy Birthday Guided Meditation and Ritual Celebrate yourself with a joyous meditation and ritual to honor your birthday.
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation: The Grounding Power of Earth Feeling anxious or scattered? Ground yourself with the power of the earth in this guided meditation.
Mental Wellness Guided Meditation: The Calming Power of Water Allow the soothing properties of water to calm you in this short but powerful guided meditation.
The Body Guided Meditation for Womb Healing Send healing energy to your womb space with this gentle guided meditation.
Mental Wellness Healing Our Inner Wounds Explore sage advice and a powerful 12-minute guided meditation from psychotherapist Andrea ...