Living in the World Dealing With Grief Holistically After losing her father and father-in-law in quick succession, one Ayurvedic practitioner shares ...
The Body Why—Still—the Sound of Silence? Three healing professionals—Amza Ali, MD, Justin Grant, Phd, and Mary-Elizabeth Gifford—consider ...
Relationships 20 Affirmations for Healing Heartache and Loss Experiencing grief? No matter its form, affirmations can assist in the process of coping with loss.
Perspectives Diving Deep Into Darkness Zen Buddhist priest Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel shares her wisdom on leaning into life’s many ...
Perspectives Attending to Your Pet’s Body After Death The loss of a pet can be profoundly impactful, leaving us to make hard choices about their body. ...
Mental Wellness How Birdwatching Can Help Manage Depression, Anxiety, and Grief A mental health practitioner explores how her birdwatching practice supported her—and can ...
Perspectives A Powerful DIY Ritual to Help Heal Ambiguous Grief For those of us grieving changed relationships with living loved ones, a faux funeral may be the ...
Perspectives Replacing Happiness With Microjoys How do we find a healthy balance between joy and sorrow? Rabbi Rami explores the concept of ...
Perspectives Podcast: Cyndie Spiegel, Towards Joy What are microjoys, and how can acceptance of the bad with the good improve our life? Author ...
The Body How Excessive Emotions Can Harm the Body Ayurveda teaches us that emotions are connected to some of the body's major organs. Explore ...
Perspectives Roadside Assistance: The Infinite Aliveness Your questions on God, grief, and living—answered.
Mental Wellness 7 Meditation Techniques to Support You Through Grief Feeling overwhelmed by the depths of loss? One of these meditation techniques (and 10-minute ...
Mental Wellness Heal Grief with Aimless Creativity Fuzzy yarn, a toy xylophone, or a box of glass beads can be a better prescription than a pill.