Spiritual Practices Tara: The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha A conversation with Jungian analyst and psychologist Rachael Wooten on the power of a Tara ...
Spiritual Practices Working With Moon Phases Discover how to work with moon phases. Then you can plan, or adjust, accordingly.
The Body A Goddess of Post Traumatic Growth: Nilapataka Nitya This goddess encourages us to courageously churn the oceans of our inner selves, to explore the ...
Chinnamasta: The Self-Beheading Goddess Chinnamasta shows us the simple, playful, and fierce truth that much of what we need is already ...
The Goddess Matangi and the Joy of Being an Outcast Matangi tells a secret—that there’s a hidden joy, even power, in being an outcast.
Spiritual Practices The Goddess of Intoxication Vajresvari wants us to find power in being present with our joy, imbibing in delightful ...