The Body Good Night, Moon There is a lot to learn from the moon and the animal kingdom when it comes to sleeping better. ...
The Body Harnessing the Power of the Microbiome for a Healthier Tomorrow Explore how one particular enzyme can help you have a happier tomorrow. Sponsored
The Body A Sacred Approach to Perimenopause Traditional Chinese medicine and other wisdom traditions teach that perimenopause is a sacred ...
Spiritual Practices Heart-Based Decision Making: Journey Inward With Breath & Heart Explore the process of learning to make decisions from your heart center. Sponsored
Relationships What Is a Cord-Cutting Ritual, and How Can It Help Your Relationships? A cord-cutting ritual may be exactly what you need to revitalize your relationships and ...
Spiritual Practices The Spiritual Meaning of the Devil Tarot Card What is holding you in chains? The Devil card may appear scary at first, but it has deep lessons ...
Relationships 3 Quaker Values to Strengthen Your Relationship Quakerism (also known as The Religious Society of Friends) offers powerful wisdom for founding ...
The Body Beans Benefits—Beneficial Eden Black Soybeans Enjoy the superfood powers of beans with this tasty summertime crostini recipe. Sponsored
Perspectives Podcast: Myles Mellor, The Zen of Crossword Puzzles What is the history of crossword puzzles and why do we love solving them? Author and puzzle ...
Spiritual Practices Finding Zen by Accepting Impermanence Rabbi Rami reflects upon his own Zen teachings after a recent conversation with crossword puzzle ...
Spiritual Practices How Spiritual Minimalism Helps Create Space and Purpose One meditation teacher shares his thoughts on how to streamline your life to create more meaning ... Sponsored
The Body Marma Massage for Daily Self-Care Utilize this gentle, soothing Ayurvedic practice when you need an afternoon pick-me-up, or when ...
Mental Wellness What Is Gaslighting? The term “gaslighting” can often be vague and confusing. Learn more about what gaslighting ...
The Body Struggling to Relax? Try Softening Instead Does a yoga instructor’s cue of “just relax” cause you to tense up even more? Experiment with ...
Spiritual Practices How to Live an Authentic Life in Harmony With Tao Explore one thinker’s perspective on living the best life possible in the “Taoverse.”