Mental Wellness Surfing Emotion Surfer-writer-adventurer Jaimal Yogis brings mindfulness to his outdoor passions.
Relationships How to Communicate With Pets on an Energetic Level “Our pet companions negotiate everything about our vital relationship with them through ...
7 Chakra Healings to Reduce Financial Stress Has the pandemic triggered money worries? Track the issue to its corresponding chakra to clear ...
The Body Resolving and Releasing Emotional Pain How can empathic people let loose the burden of other people's emotions?
The Body Separating Physical Pain from Emotional Pain When we suppress emotional energy, it lands in the energy system for the physical body, ...
The Body 5 Ways to Use Sound for Energy Clearing Different sounds are powerful tools to clear and transform energy.
The Body An Energetic Digestive Cleanse Repressed emotional energy will eventually lead to serious illness and disease. It's time for a ... Sponsored
The Body Your Third Chakra: The Seat of Volition The third chakra has a large and powerful role in manifestation.
The Body A Practice to Tap Into Creativity With the 2nd Chakra A practice you can apply as you begin any creative project.
Spiritual Practices Working With Moon Phases Discover how to work with moon phases. Then you can plan, or adjust, accordingly.