Spiritual Practices Spiritual Dreamwork: A Case Study Drop into another’s dream to explore natural spirituality in action.
Mental Wellness How to Get Guidance From Your Dreams Dreams respond well to engagement. Asking dreams for guidance is an ancient, widespread ...
The Body Aware and Asleep Take a dive into the lucid dream world and explore advice for new dreamers.
Mental Wellness Daydreams as a Tool for Problem-Solving Daydreams can be the key to solving social problems, achieving goals, and harnessing creative ...
Spiritual Practices Changing Your Bad Dreams Into Good Thoughts If you are plagued by nightmares, try one of these three practices to shift your perception of ...
Perspectives Beautiful Dreamer Andrew Holecek wants to change the way you dream, and then change the way you live.
The Body Guided Meditation for Sweet Dreams: The Starry Night Walk into an evening field and settle by a warm fire to enjoy the stars. Settle into a relaxed ...
The Body Personal Accountability in Chaos James Hollis and Stephen Kiesling discuss Jung, accountability, and the stories we tell ourselves.
“My Dreams Are Really Bizarre!” Do you have strange dreams? Here are nine guidelines for decoding them.
Befriending Nightmares Don’t run away. Engaging with dreams—even nightmares—can teach us a lot about our emotional selves.
Waking Up to the World of Dreams Learn how leverage your imagination to explore your dreams, which can act as a catalyst for ...
Restoring the Soul Connection Through an Inner Pilgrimage A prophetic dream helped this author come to new understandings of Parkinson's, imagination, and ...
Dreams at the Edge of Sleep Liminal dreaming is a remarkable mind state, one you can channel for creativity or problem ...
The Body Meditation for Deepest Desires: The Lush Garden Invite your desire to speak to you in your dreams.