Living in the World Vegan Recipe: Banana Bread A vegan spin on a family recipe passed down from the author's grandmother.
Mental Wellness Self-Care This Season Self-care is vital, especially in the winter months when darkness—quite literally—settles in. ...
Spiritual Practices Spiritual Radicals: A New Spirituality These seven spiritual leaders represent a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and traditions. ...
Spiritual Practices Embracing Enchantment Look beyond Santa and enjoy inspiration from elves, the fae, and other not-so-hidden creatures.
Spiritual Practices Winter Solstice 2020 and the Golden Age of Aquarius “In the coming days before our solstice, take the time to connect with your soul.” Sponsored
Spiritual Practices Working Toward Loving Conditions for All Beings Reverend Aline Silva is a Baptist pastor and preacher, and a member of the queer community. She ...
Spiritual Practices Calling for a New Kind of Christianity Brian McLaren is a prolific author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. He is a former ...
Spiritual Practices Science and Salvation Emily Qureshi-Hurst is a doctorate of Philosophy candidate in the Department of Theology and ...
Spiritual Practices Transdenominationalism in the Jewish Community Rabbi Wayne Dosick is a spiritual teacher and counselor, author, and the founder and spiritual ...
Spiritual Practices Christian, Queer, and Here Reverend Jes Kast is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Christ, ...