Living in the World Visioning a Re-NEW-able Year This year, turn to the first known resolution makers—the ancient Babylonians—for inspiration.
Mental Wellness Mindfulness Can Get You There “It takes courage to let go of habits and beliefs championed by our parents and those we ...
Living in the World The Fire of Aliveness “There are two fires that we have to encounter daily. The first is the fire of life, which ...
Living in the World Community Champion: Dr. Karen Gedney A medical doctor who found her calling behind bars, Dr. Karen Gedney always aspired to be a ...
Living in the World Redoing Retreats A retreat, in every definition of the word, may be unattainable in your corner of the world. But ...
Perspectives When You Finally Go on a Retreat ... What to keep in mind—and what to steer clear of when deciding on a retreat.
Spiritual Practices Religion and Politics “It seems to me that religion and politics are inextricably intertwined. So much so, in fact, ...
Relationships Put Your Self-Compassion on First, Then Assist Others “I am a good, kind, and ethical person, but I feel that I sometimes lack compassion. Maybe ...
Perspectives Re/VIEW: Nikki Giovanni “Giovanni brings a voice of discernment and solidity to our disquiet times. She sees the ...
The Body Is Now the Best Time to Fast? The Doctor Says Yes Dr. Andreas Michalsen, author of The Fasting Fix, uses fasting to treat a number of diseases ...
Mental Wellness Listen: Heal Your Pain Your body is sending you a message—in the unfortunate language of pain.
Spiritual Practices Talk, Hear, Doubt Your Doubts Loved ones who have passed away can still whisper wisdom to you.
Spiritual Practices Labyrinth 2021 Labyrinths are soul-soothing and insight-making. What is the future of the labyrinth movement ...
Mental Wellness Resolution Solution: Holistic New Year's Resolutions New Year’s resolutions never seem to stick. Explore a more holistic approach.