Mental Wellness How to Meditate With a Raisin to Ease Anxiety The raisin meditation focuses all your senses to calm anxious thoughts.
Mental Wellness How to Work With Your Inner Child What is an inner child, anyway? Being in touch with your inner child lets you be “fiercely on ...
Living in the World The Future of Dogs Dig deep into “dogness” by asking what would happen to dogs if humans were no longer around.
Relationships 5 Steps to Heal After Marriage Purge the negativity and get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy. This could even be your ... Sponsored
Spiritual Practices Yin Yoga for Fear, Anxiety, and Confusion Use yin yoga to target the channels of energy that fear, anxiety, and confusion flow through. ...
Mental Wellness 12 Affirmations for Procrastinators Affirmations for procrastinators allow you to make healthy shifts and minimize guilt or panic.
Mental Wellness A Letting-Go/Calling-In Burn Ritual for the Full Flower Moon Turn what’s holding you back to ash. Drink in the blossoming energy of the full Flower Moon.
The Body 4 Naturopathic Self-Care Practices for Whole-Body Health Stimulating the lymph system and changing your toilet posture are just two naturopathic ...
Spiritual Practices Lakshmi’s Spiritual Path of Pleasure The Goddess Lakshmi is pleasure incarnate. Discover 12 ways to honor her.
Spiritual Practices Making Moon Water for the Super Blood Moon Eclipse Discover how to infuse water with the moon’s energy during a super blood moon eclipse.
Perspectives What Is Sensual Cooking? Sensual cooking allows your food to tell a story and highlights its history.
Spiritual Practices Remedying a Community Through Ritual With Mara Branscombe Yoga, meditation, mysticism, and ritual are at the heart of Mara Branscombe’s Ritual as Remedy.