Mental Wellness Decluttering to Reduce Anxiety When we declutter, we don’t just relieve our home of mess; we lighten the load of the people who ...
The Body 5 Swaps for Healthier Cleaning A study shows toxic cleaning products can be as bad on the lungs as smoking. Here are some ...
The Body 7 Ways to Improve the Air Quality and Energy of Your Home Want better air? Here are useful tips for improving your indoor air quality.
The Body Detox and Declutter Your Bathroom Declutter your bathroom to create a place where you can detox from everyday stress.
Living in the World How I Finally Let Go of Paper Clutter Dig out of your paper piles and feel lighter, freer, and more creative.
Toolbox: A Green Sweep Consider making these swaps found by S&H for a cleaner, more eco-friendly home.
New Moon, New Year: Wisdom from the Chinese New Year Chinese New Year, celebrated on the second new moon after the winter solstice, represents a ...
The Body The 12 Toxic Hormone Disruptors You Probably Have In Your Home To lower your exposure to endocrine disruptors, avoid these 12 chemical compounds