Relationships Cultivating Resilient Relationships in Chronic Illness and Long-Term Caregiving Giving and receiving care are both challenges, and caregivers can suffer from many ailments. ...
The Body 4 Mindset Shifts to Change Your Relationship With Chronic Pain “There was no ‘normal’ life to return to. In my own surprising, glorious, and hurting human ...
The Body 5 Vibrational Healing Methods for Chronic Pain and Body Aches Vibrational healing isn’t new, but it has recently become more mainstream.
Managing Chronic Pain Chronic pain can be a strong current threatening to sweep us away. Discover tools for managing ...
The Body Lessons From Yin Yoga for Managing Chronic Pain Yin yoga works the connective tissue that wraps around our muscles and carries messages from the ...
The Body Guided Meditation: Listening for the Wisdom of Chronic Pain Chronic pain isn’t always telling us that something is wrong necessarily, but it is telling us ...
The Body Chronic Pain, Trauma, and the Nervous System Chronic pain can be caused by lingering trauma, creating stress that is unresolved. Break the ...
The Body 5 Questions to Help Decode Your Chronic Back Pain That chronic back pain is a message from your body. Are you listening? These 5 questions will ...
The Body 5 Steps to Relieve Chronic Back Pain A spinal surgeon shares how to relieve chronic back pain without going under the knife.
The Body 13 Tips for Taking a Bath to Soothe Your Chronic Pain “I bathe a few times a week. Sometimes every day. In my old tub with my plastic-bag pillow. ...
The Body Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain Mindfulness meditation can help us befriend the pain sensations and teach the brain that it ...
Mental Wellness Calming Chronic Pain With Beth Darnell, PhD Beth Darnall talks to Rami about making life adjustments to manage chronic pain.
The Body Vidyamala Burch: Living Well With Chronic Pain Vidyamala Burch discusses chronic pain and primary and secondary suffering, and shares a simple ...
The Body Healing Chronic Back Pain Once you start to listen to the sensations in your body, it allows for healing to take place.