Spiritual Practices Transcript: Our full interview with Bishop Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church In this podcast transcript, host Rabbi Rami speaks with Bishop Michael Curry about how the ...
Spiritual Practices Christian, Queer, and Here Reverend Jes Kast is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Christ, ...
Spiritual Practices Calling for a New Kind of Christianity Brian McLaren is a prolific author, speaker, activist, and public theologian. He is a former ...
Mental Wellness An Old and Surprisingly Helpful Definition of Sin What if we define sin as “anxious self-centeredness”? When we empty ourselves of lower energies, ...
Spiritual Practices The Labyrinth: A Journey Back Home “We need to go on a journey sometimes—whether it’s walking a candlelight labyrinth in a Gothic ...
Spiritual Practices Christian Fasting: A Spiritual Practice for Now? Christians (and non-Christians) can embrace fasting as a way to overcome our deep-rooted idea ...
Living in the World Memento Mori: A Practice for Living Memento Mori: Remember your death. It may seem grim, but it's an ancient practice meant to ...
Living in the World One Nation Under God? Can individual states establish a preferred religion? “Lots of Americans believe the United ...
Spiritual Practices Rediscovering the Rosary Not a rosary person? No matter your beliefs, you may be surprised at the power of this famous tool.
Spiritual Practices Lectio Divina: Divine Reading for the Here and Now Lectio Divina is an ancient Christian practice that can give you a fresh take on any text.
The Body A Centering Prayer "After experiencing silence and surrender in yoga, I returned to ancient Christian prayer ...
Relationships Spring’s Resurrection Can’t Be Canceled in the Church of the Woods Common ground can be found, and reverence realized, when we look to nature for inspiration.
re/VIEW: Diana Butler Bass Diana Butler Bass reflects on her sixth decade on earth, the current state of Christianity, and ...
The Apostle Paul: A Misunderstood Progressive? "In this narrative, Paul—the man formerly known as Saul who had a dramatic conversion while on ...