The Body Science & Spirit: Acupressure, Cannabis and Scorpions for Pain Relief (eek!) Chronic pain—that’s pain that lingers for at least 12 weeks or longer—afflicts about 20 percent ...
Living in the World A Simple Act to Create a Buffer from Stress Cultivating positive emotions is a powerful way to build mental and emotional resilience and ...
Thriving as an Empath For 20 years, Judith Orloff has helped make being an empath “something that caring characters ...
Perspectives poem: Be Recorder "I leave behind dignity / so the angel inside me / stays behind me too"
Mental Wellness Want to Be Happier? Nurture Your Ecological Self Do you have a relationship with Planet Earth—your home? Taking time to focus on and appreciate ...
Living in the World When Will I Know It Is Time to Leave? “I was not surprised when I got an email through my blog, asking me how we Jews will know when ...
The Body The Shirt off My Back Would you give the shirt off your back? This practice has brought the author joy and challenges.
The Body Yes, You Should Try Natto Getting to know natto, a sticky, stinky, superfood rich in probiotics.
The Body Breath-Focused Meditation for Deep Sleep Follow your natural breath to help relax your mind and your body. Gently switch into the ...
Stabilizing an Open Heart “There is a difference between feeling the emotion of the heart opening ... rather than ... Sponsored