Mental Wellness Why You Might Need Internal Boundaries What does it look like to establish boundaries within yourself when your needs aren’t being met ...
Spiritual Practices Guided Meditation: The Cleansing Power of Fire Utilize the cleansing power of the fire element to motivate you and establish healthy boundaries.
Living in the World How Faux-giveness Creates Anxiety and Stunts Spiritual Growth If you accept apologies even when you don't feel like it, you might be practicing ...
Relationships 3 Truths to Help You Heal Mother Wounds As Mother’s Day approaches, we are called to reflect on our relationships with the mother ...
Mental Wellness 8 Ways to Ground Yourself Amidst Drama Feeling stressed by other people's dramatic tendencies? A clinical psychologist and mind-body ...
Relationships The Art of Fragrant Boundaries for Empaths It can be hard for empathic people to establish boundaries that feel compassionate and healthy. ...
Living in the World Building a Garden of Boundaries: A Practice to Honor Sensitivity In this excerpt from Mirrors in the Earth, an herbalist and flower essence practitioner offers ...
Mental Wellness Self-Consent: A Self-Love Practice Learn to listen to your internal yes and no signals. Teach your body that what you want matters.
Relationships 5 Ways to Handle Energy Pushers and Energy Thieves Energy pushers and energy thieves can both leave you feeling depleted and depressed. Learn how ...
Perspectives Thunder and Lightning: The Spiritual Meaning of the Blue Moons The thunder moon and the lightning moon that follows it can bring stormy weather inside and out.
Relationships Strengthening Porous Boundaries Personal boundaries are determined by childhood conditioning. Those with porous boundaries can ...
Mental Wellness 4 Crucial Words for a World of Chaos S&H editor at large, Stephen Kiesling, interviews Nedra Glover Tawwab, a therapist who ...
Relationships 5 Ways to Maintain Boundaries With Difficult People Setting and maintaining boundaries is hard to do. Add a difficult person into the equation and ...
Relationships 5 Qualities to Build in Yourself Before Committing Everyone wants to be loved, especially romantically. But before committing to a romantic ...
Perspectives “Radical” at Its Roots S&H Editor in Chief Ben Nussbaum reflects on the word “radical” at its roots.