Relationships Janet Mock on kindness and compassion. “Kindness and compassion are sisters but not twins. One you can buy, the other is priceless.” ...
Mental Wellness Anne Lamott on expectations. “Expectations are resentments under construction.” —Anne Lamott
Living in the World Coretta Scott King on hate. “Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” ...
Perspectives Amanda Gormon on forward momentum. “We will not march back to what was, but move to what shall be.” —Amanda Gormon
Spiritual Practices Richard Rohr on God’s love. “God does not love us if we change, God loves us so that we can change.” —Richard Rohr
The Body Meditation to Release Stress: Relax the Jaw and Pelvic Floor Relax your jaw and repattern away from stress with this guided meditation.
Perspectives Thunder and Lightning: The Spiritual Meaning of the Blue Moons The thunder moon and the lightning moon that follows it can bring stormy weather inside and out.
Spiritual Practices Alejandro Mandes Is Opening Our Eyes to Our Multiethnic Future Dr. Alejandro Mandes’ book “Embracing the New Samaria: Opening Our Eyes to Our Multiethnic ...
Spiritual Practices Finding Your Soul Note What is your Soul note vibration? “Cleanse and purify thyself and I will exalt thee to the ... Sponsored
The Body The Spiritual Meaning of Jaw Pain Questions about stress and anger can help you discover the spiritual meaning of jaw pain.
Perspectives Spirituality and Nonduality Realizing nondual Aliveness in, with, and as all reality is at the heart of all authentic ...
The Body Have You Tried Salt Cave Therapy? Salt cave therapy is a growing trend that boasts benefits for the lungs and skin.
Spiritual Practices Is Yoga Making You Hot? Cooling asanas and breathing through your rolled tongue are just two ways to keep calm.