Spiritual Practices Realistic Mindfulness “The most important thing determining the quality of your life is your mind and your own ability ...
Perspectives Holding Death Close “Holding death close serves as a continuous, gentle reminder that every moment I am alive is a ...
The Body The Energetics of Various Foodstuffs Various types of food and nutrients provide different kinds of subtle energetics. Fats for ...
Spiritual Practices Podcast: Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Hollywood to the Himalayas Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, acclaimed author, speaker, and spiritual leader discusses encounters ...
Spiritual Practices Nadia Bolz Weber on God and you. “God wants you, in your imperfect, shimmering glory.” —Nadia Bolz Weber
Spiritual Practices Pema Chödrön on meditation. “Meditation is not about later, when you get it all together and you’re this person you really ...
Mental Wellness Byron Katie on self-love. “Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in a mirror.” —Byron Katie
Mayra Robio on rebirth. “Don’t wait until you die to be reborn. Your past does not define who you are, it’s only muscle ...
Living in the World Johnathan Sacks on education. “To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.” ...
Spiritual Practices John Shelby Spong on the mystery of God. “We walk into the mystery of God; we do not define that mystery.” —John Shelby Spong